Class Amphibia
Class: Amphibia
- Amphibians are vertebrates, that can live in both aquatic (water) as well as terrestrial (land) environments.
- The first amphibian came into existence in the Devonian period.
Important characteristics:
- Soft, moist (without scales) & glandular skin.
- Endoskeleton mostly bony.
- Notochord does not persist.
- The eyes have eyelids.
- A tympanum represents the ear.
- Respiration is by gills, lungs, and through the skin.
- Larvae with external gills which may persist in some aquatic adults (like salamanders).
- The heart is three-chambered (two auricles & one ventricle).
- The alimentary canal, urinary & reproduction tracts open into a common chamber called cloaca which opens to the exterior.
- Kidneys are mesonephric.
- Excretion is ureotelic.
- They are cold-blooded animals.
- Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external.
- They are oviparous & development is direct or indirect.
- Example: Ichthyophis (blind-worm), Ambystoma (American salamander), Hyla (tree frog), Necturus (Mudpuppy), Alytes (Midwife toad), Bufo (Toad), Rana tigrina (Indian Bullfrog)
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