Phylum Annelida
Fig: Leech (Hirudinaria)
- Triploblastic, coelomate, bilaterally symmetrical & metamorphically segmented animals.
- During muscular contraction, the body wall pushes against each compartment wall. This allows separate regions to contract independently & elongate during locomotion.
- The body is elongated, cylindrical, or flattened.
- The segmented worms are triploblastic, i.e. they develop from the three germ layers.
- The body-cavity is a true coelom, as it is lined by a mesodermal epithelium.
- It is divided by vertical septa into compartments.
- A closed circulatory system present.
- Segmented nephridia for excretion & osmoregulation.
- Typically, there is a trochophore larva during development.
- Example: Nereis, Pheretima (Earthworm), & Hirudinaria (Bloodsucking leech).
Fig: Earthworm (Pheretima)
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