Phylum Hemichordata
Fig: Acorn worm (Hemichordate)
- Hemichordate = half chordate.
- These are not classified as true chordates, although they are closely related.
- Some DNA-based studies evolution suggest that hemichordates are actually closer to echinoderms than to true chordates.
- It was earlier considered as a sub-phylum under the phylum Chordata.
- But, now it is placed under a separate phylum under non-chordates.
Important characteristics:
- Exclusively marine.
- The body is cylindrical & is composed of an anterior proboscis, a collar & a long trunk.
- Notochord present which allows & endodermal in origin (termed stomochord).
- Notochord occurs only in the anterior end of the body. It is called the buccal diverticulum.
- Open circulatory system.
- Perform sexual reproduction.
- Sexes are separate.
- Fertilization is external.
- Development is indirect.
- Example: Balanglossus (Tongue worm), Ptychodera & Saccoglossus.
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