Class Chondrichthyans
- Chondrichthyans = cartilage fish.
- They have a skeleton that is composed predominantly of cartilage, often impregnated with calcium.
Important characteristics:
- Marine animals having cartilaginous endoskeleton.
- The notochord is persistent throughout life.
- Gill slits are separate & operculum (gill cover) is not present.
- The skin is tough, containing minute placoid scales.
- The stomach is J-shaped.
- The swim bladder & lungs are absent and the liver is filled with oil to provide buoyancy to the body while swimming.
- Due to the absence of an air bladder (fish maw), they have to swim constantly to avoid sinking. If they stop swimming, they will sink (fall) like a stone.
- The heart is two-chambered (one auricle & one ventricle).
- Kidneys opisthonephric. Excretion ureotelic. Cloaca present.
- Fertilization is external. Sexes are separate.
- The pectoral fins of the shark are called claspers & used for copulation.
There are three ways in which sharks reproduce;
- Oviparous= in which the female lays eggs which takes a few months to develop.
- Ovoviviparous= where the eggs are hatched in the oviduct & the embryo develops in the uterus.
- Viviparous= in which the gestation period of the embryo is about one year.
Examples: Rhinocodon (whale shark), Carcharodon (great white shark), Trygon (stingrays), Torpedo (electric rays), Scoliodon (dogfish), Pristis (sawfish).
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