JPSC Prelims 2016: General Studies- 1
Q1. The biggest Harappan site in India is ? - Rakhigarhi (Haryana)
Q2. The Rigved tribal assembly associated with the judicial function was ? - Sabha
Q3. 'Yamaka' belongs to the Buddhist 'Pitaka' ? - Abhidhamma
Q4. The Chinese Pilgrim who visited India in the early 6th century was ? - Sung Yun
Q5. The Chalukya ruler Pulakesin's victory over Harsha was in the year ? - 618 AD
Q6. The earliest reference of the use of the magnetic compass in the Indian seas was by ? - Sadruddin Muhammad 'Aufi'
Q7. The first true arch in the Sultanate memorial could be seen in ? - Tomb of Balban, Mehrauli Delhi
Q8. The most orthodox Sufi order was ? - Naqshbandi
Q9. The pure silver 'rupiya' was issued by ? - Sher Shah
Q10. The princely state of Baghat was annexed to the British in ? - 1850 by the application of Doctrine of Lapse under Lord Dalhousie
Q12. The British Monarch at the time of Indian Independence was ? - George VI
Q13. Mountbatten Plan (June 1947) provided for a referendum in which province ? - North-West Frontier Provinces
Q1. Name the place in India where the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean meet ? - Kanyakumari
Q2. Where does India rank in the area among the countries of the world ? - Seventh (3,287263 sq km)
Q3. The average rainfall range in Jharkhand is ? - 200 to 300 cms
Q1. Which Constitutional Amendment bifurcated the Combined National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes into two separate bodies ? - 19th February 2003, under Article 338A
Q2. How many Parts, Articles, and Schedules were there in the original Indian Constitution ? - 22 Parts, 395 Articles, and 8 Schedules
Q3. In which Amendment was the evil of defections from the political parties in India enacted ? - 52nd Amendment Act, 1985
Q4. Under which Article of the Constitution of India, Taxes are levied and collected by the center but distributed between the center and the States ? - Article 269
Q5. Who rejected the 'Principles of Administration as myths and proverbs' ? - American Economist Herbert Alexander Simon
Q6. 'The State is everywhere: it leaves hardly a gap'. The statement explains the concept of ? - Welfare State
Q7. In which Report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) barriers of Good Governance in India have been identified ? - Ethics in Governance
Q8. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution is the Direct Planning Committee constituted ? - 243 ZD
Q9. 1949- 51: Local Finance Enquiry Committee
Q10. 1953- 54: Taxation Enquiry Commission
Q11. 1963- 66: Rural-Urban Relationship Committee
Q12. 1985- 88: National Commission on Urbanisation
Q13. The recommendation of the 14th Finance Commission to increase the share of net proceeds of union taxes between center to states has been fixed at ? - 32% target set
Q14. National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established by the Government of India in ? - in 2010
Q15. Inequality Re-examined - Amartya Sen
Q16. The Price of Inequality - Joseph E. Stiglitz
Q17. Inequality: What can be done - Anthony B. Atkinson
Q18. The Economics of Inequality - Thomas Piketty
Q19. Chakravarty Committee - Poverty Estimation
Q20. Narasimham Committee - Banking Sector Reforms
Q21. Tendulkar Committee - Financial Sector Reforms
Q22. Chelliah Committee - Tax Reforms
Q23. The methodology followed for poverty estimation by using 61st NSSO data in 2004- 2005 is ? - Uniform Recall Method (URM) and Mixed Recall Method (MRM)
Q24. National Manufacturing Policy was first introduced by the Government of India in ? - November 4, 2011
Q25. The policy for Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was introduced in the country for the first time in ? - April 2000
Q1. Ribozymes are ? - catalytic activity RNA
Q2. The foul smell of dead fish is due to the compound of ? - Amino compounds
Q3. Non-stick frying pans are coated with ? - Teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
Q4. Poisonous mustard gas is ? - Liquid
Q5. The chemical used in the manufacturing dynamite is ? - Glycerin trinitrate
Q6. What percentage of alcohol in human blood causes death ? - 3.0 %
Q7. The term Information Technology can be defined as ? - Computers + Connectivity
Q8. How many bits are there in a kilobyte ? - 8024 bits
Q9. The Golden Rice contains the B-carotene gene which comes from ? - Daffodil
Q10. Panch Dhara Yojana is related to ? - Women Welfare and Development
Q11. White Bud disease in a plant is caused by the deficiency of ? - Zinc
Q12. The white color of milk is due to ? - Casein
Q13. The web portal DANCET is related to ? - e- Agriculture
Q1. What was the Santhal Pargana region called in ancient times ? - Narikhand
Q2. Safa-Hor movement is associated with which tribal community ? - Santal
Q4. 'Andi' and 'Oportipi' forms of marriage are related to which tribe ? - Ho
Q5. Which of the temples was built by the ruler Pooranmal ? - Shiva temple at Devghar
Q6. Mahuadanr sanctuary is located in which district of Jharkhand ? - Latehar
Q7. 'Anjan Dham' is located in which district of Jharkhand ? - Gumla
Q8. Jharkhand's resident Deep Sengupta is associated with which sport ? - Chess
Q9. Which literature has published the Khortha Compilations namely 'Meghdoot' ? - Srinivas Panuri
Q10. 'Rijgarh' in Munda tradition is related to which place ? - Rohtasgarh
Q11. What is Friendship - 2016 ? - The joint military exercise by the soldiers of Russia & Pakistan
Q12. Where was the 14th ASEAN Summit organised ? - Vientiane
Q13. What is the name of the world's first private flight plane to go on the moon ? - Moon Express
Q14. Afghanistan's First Lady Governor is ? - Masooma Muradi
Q15. The country Tuvalu participated with how many members in the Rio Olympics ? - 1
Q16. Where was the World Economic Forum (WEF) Meet-2016, organised ? - Davos-Klosters (Switzerland)
Q17. World's first country to have a cashless economy ? - Sweden
Q18. Who was the youngest Athlete at the Rio Olympics ? - Gaurika Singh
Q19. According to the Ruler Cleanliness Survey, which state is at the top of a ladder as far as cleanliness is concerned ? - Sikkim
Q20. 'Gatiman Express' the fastest Indian train on 4th April 2016 ran from ? - Hazrat Nizamuddin to Agra
Q21. What was India's rank at the Rio Para-Olympics ? - 43rd
Q22. What was the name of the legendary Ranthambore Tigress that died recently ? - Machhali
Q23. India's first armed nuclear submarine is ? - INS Arihant
Q24. Project LOON is related to ? - Wireless communication technology
Q25. 'Stand-Up India' Scheme's purpose is ? - To encourage entrepreneurship among the SC/ST and women entrepreneur
Q26. The first prize of the National Human Rights Commission has been awarded recently to which movie ? - Black & White
Q27. Eradication of all types of social discrimination comes under which generation of Human Rights ? - Third Generation
Q28. Cartagena protocol is related to ? - Biosafety agreement
Q29. Where is the headquarter of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) ? - Nairobi (Kenya)
Q30. Deepika Pallikal is related to which sport ? - Sqaush
Q31. The velodrome is related to which sport ? - Track Cycling
Q32. 'Sanghamitra Kalita' has been found honored with which award recently ? - Pulitzer Prize
Q33. 'Navnathan Pillai' has been honored with which award ? - The Legion of Honor
Q34. Where is the National Center for Disaster Management (NCDM) located ? - New Delhi
Q35. When did Prime Minister Narendra Modi launch National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) ? - 1st June 2016
Q36. The cyclic poor are those ? - Who mostly remain non-poor but sometimes they become poor
Q37. Disguised unemployment means ? - Fall in productivity of labor
Q38. 'Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY)' was started in 2011 has been granted the extension till ? - 2022
Q38. United Nations Organisation (UNO) is celebrating 2016 as the ? - International Pulses Year
Q39. Who is the 195th member of UNESCO ? - Palestine