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Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity

Monday, May 3, 2021

Chuar Vidroh 1769-1805 (चुआर विद्रोह-1769-1805)

Chuar Vidroh 1769-1805

➧ अंग्रेज जंगल महल के भूमिजों को चुआर /चुआड़ (नीची जाति के लोग) कहते थे जिसके कारण इनके  विद्रोह का नाम चुआर विद्रोह पड़ा।

➧ सामान्यत: चुआर लोग पशु-पक्षियों के शिकार, जंगलों में खेती व वनोत्पादों के व्यापार द्वारा अपना भरण-पोषण करते थे

चुआर विद्रोह-1769-1805

 इसके अलावा ये लोग स्थानीय जमींदारों के यहां सिपाही (पाइक) के रूप में कार्यरत थे

➧ अंग्रेजों द्वारा चुआरों  की भूमि पर अवैध कब्जा कर जमींदारों को बिक्री करने, जमींदारों के लगान में  अप्रत्याशित वृद्धि व लगान नहीं देने पर जमीन की नीलामी करने, बाहरी लोगों को इनके इलाके में बसाने, स्थानीय चुआरों के स्थान पर बाहरी पुलिस को उनके स्थान पर नियुक्त करने तथा अन्य आर्थिक मुद्दों के विरुद्ध यह विद्रोह किया गया 

यह विद्रोह सिंहभूम, मानभूम, बाड़भूम और पंचायत राज्य में हुआ  

➧ घटवाल, पाइक एवं जमींदार समुदायों के समर्थन के कारण इस विद्रोह ने व्यापक रूप धारण कर लिया 

➧ इस विद्रोह में भूमिज जनजाति ने भी बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया

➧ इस विद्रोह में श्याम गंजम, रघुनाथ महतो, सबल सिंह, जगन्नाथ पतवार (1769-71 तक), मंगल सिंह (1782- 84 तक), लाल सिंह, दुर्जन सिंह और मनोहर सिंह (1798-99 तक) ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा की

➧ दुर्जन सिंह मानभूम तथा बाड़भूम  में इस विद्रोह के प्रमुख नेता थे

➧ इस विद्रोह का प्रमुख नारा था- 'अपना गांव अपना राज, दूर भगाओ विदेशी राज'

➧ ले गुडयार, कैप्टन फोब्स एवं मेजर क्रॉफ्ड को इस विद्रोह के दमन हेतु भेजा गया था

➧ लगभग 30 वर्ष से अधिक समय तक इस अशांत क्षेत्र में शांति बहाल करने हेतु अंग्रेजों ने इस क्षेत्र के लोगों को कुछ सुविधाएं देने का निर्णय लिया

➧ 6 मार्च, 1800 ईस्वी को एक प्रस्ताव द्वारा जमीनदारी-घटवारी पुलिस व्यवस्था को पुनर्स्थापित किया गया जिसके तहत स्थानीय लोगों को पुलिस अधिकारियों के रूप में नियुक्ति की व्यवस्था की गई 

➧ साथ ही पाइको की जब्त भूमि की वापसी व जमींदारों की भूमि की अवैध नीलामी पर रोक का भी निर्णय लिया गया

➧ 1805 ईसवी में जंगलमहल जिला के निर्माण के बाद इस क्षेत्र में पुनः शांति व्यवस्था बहाल हुई

👉Previous Page:ढाल विद्रोह-1767-1777

                                                                                      👉Next Page:भोगता विद्रोह 1770-1771

Dhal Vidroh 1767-1777 (ढाल विद्रोह-1767-1777)

➧ Dhal Vidroh (1767-1777)

➧ ढाल विद्रोह झारखंड प्रदेश में अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध प्रथम विद्रोह था 

ढाल विद्रोह-1767-1777

➧ ढाल विद्रोह का अर्थ है "ढाल  राजा के नेतृत्व में संपूर्ण ढाल राज्य की जनता का विद्रोह" 

➧ अंग्रेजों ने सिंहभूम  की दीवानी प्राप्त कर सिंहभूम के क्षेत्र को अपने अधिकार में ले लिया जिसके प्रतिक्रिया स्वरूप वहां के लोगों ने विद्रोह कर दिया 

➧ इस विद्रोह का  प्रारंभ 1767 ईस्वी  में सिंहभूम क्षेत्र में हुआ था जो 1777 ईस्वी तक (10 वर्ष) तक चला 

➧ इस विद्रोह को धालभूम के अपदस्थ राजा जगन्नाथ ढाल ने नेतृत्व प्रदान कर व्यापक स्वरूप प्रदान किया

 जगन्नाथ ढाल को अपदस्थ कर अंग्रेजों ने नीमू ढाल को धालभूम का राजा बनाया था 

➧ इस विद्रोह का दमन करने के लिए कंपनी ने लेफ्टिनेंट रुक तथा चार्ल्स मेगन को भेजा, परन्तु ये अधिकारी दमन करने में असफल रहे 

➧ 1777 ईस्वी में कंपनी शासन द्वारा जगन्नाथ ढाल को राजा स्वीकार किये जाने के बाद यह विद्रोह समाप्त हो गया 

➧ ढालभूम का राजा बनाये जाने के बदले में जगन्नाथ ढाल द्वारा अंग्रेजों को तीन वर्षो तक क्रमश: 2000/-, 3000/- तथा अधिकतम ₹4000 वार्षिक कर के रूप में देना स्वीकार किया। 

➧ 1780 ईस्वी में इस राशि को बढ़ाकर 4267 रूपये कर दिया गया  

➧ झारखण्ड में अंग्रेजों का प्रवेश सिंहभूम की ओर से हुआ था

                                                                                             👉Next Page: चुआर विद्रोह-1769-1805

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Jharkhand Ki Shaikshanik Sansthan Part-3 (Educational institutes of Jharkhand)

Jharkhand Ki Shaikshanik Sansthan Part-3

(Educational Institutes Of Jharkhand)

प्राथमिक एवं माध्यमिक शिक्षा हेतु राज्य के उत्कृष्ट संस्थान

1. नेतरहाट विद्यालय

➤इसकी स्थापना 15 नवंबर 1954 को चालर्स नेपियर  ने लातेहार में किया था 

इसमें नामांकन हेतु सरकारी विद्यालयों के विद्यार्थियों का प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा आयोजित किया जाता है तथा मेधा  अंक के आधार पर दाखिला लिया जाता है। 

यह राज्य का सर्वाधिक सम्मानित स्कूली संस्थान है

2. सैनिक स्कूल तिलैया

➤1963 में कोडरमा जिले में इसकी स्थापना हुई। 

इसका उद्देश्य छात्रों को रक्षा सेवा के लिए मानसिक एवं शारीरिक रूप से विकसित करना है 

Jharkhand Ki Shaikshanik Sansthan Part-3

प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक,एवं उच्चतर शिक्षा हेतु राज्य सरकार के प्रमुख कार्यक्रम

1. आवासीय विद्यालय योजना

आवासीय विद्यालय की स्थापना योजना के तहत नेतरहाट आवासीय विद्यालय एवं इंदिरा गांधी आवासीय विद्यालय की तरह दक्षिणी छोटानागपुर प्रमंडल, कोल्हान प्रमंडल एवं संथाल परगना में नये आवासीय विद्यालय की स्थापना की जाएगी। 

➤इस आवासीय विद्यालय में पढ़ने वाले अनुसूचित जाति, जनजाति और पिछड़े वर्गों  के छात्र/छात्राओं को निशुल्क शिक्षा के साथ सभी आवासीय सुविधाएं भी उपलब्ध कराई जा रही है

वर्तमान में राज्य में 89 आदिवासी विद्यालय 23 अनुसूचित जनजाति के  विद्यालय और 4 पिछड़ी जाति के  आवासीय विद्यालय संचालित किए जा रहे हैं 

2. झारखंड बालिका आवासीय विद्यालय-योजना 

इस योजना को अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय तथा बी.पी.एल के श्रेणी की छात्राओं में शिक्षा को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए आरंभ किया गया है 

झारखंड बालिका आवास योजना में 75% विद्यार्थी अनुसूचित जाति एवं 25% विद्यार्थी अनुसूचित जनजाति तथा अल्पसंख्यक के होंगे। इसमें 25% आरक्षण गरीबी रेखा से नीचे जीवन-यापन करने वाले छात्राओं के लिए है 

यह योजना झारखंड शिक्षा परिषद परियोजना के माध्यम से संचालित होता है 

3. पहाड़िया दिवाकालीन विद्यालय 

राज्य द्वारा यह विद्यालय 32 स्थानों पर कल्याण विभाग द्वारा संचालित किया जा रहा है 
इसका उद्देश्य पहाड़िया जनजाति के छात्रों में शिक्षा का विकास करना एवं जागरूकता फैलाना है
साहिबगंज, दुमका,  पाकुड़, गोड्डा आदि  जिलों  में विद्यालयों को चलाया जा रहा है

4. ज्ञानोदय योजना

ज्ञानोदय योजना के तहत शिक्षा को गुणवत्तापूर्ण बनाने के लिए स्पोकन इंग्लिश/स्कूल लीडरशिप/मोटिवेशन/कंप्यूटर शिक्षा आदि में प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम चलाया जा रहा है

इसके लिए ई-विद्यावाहिनी सॉफ्टवेयर तैयार किया गया है तथा 40,000 शिक्षकों को टेबलेट वितरित करना है

इस योजना के द्वारा शिक्षकों और बच्चों की उपस्थिति, मध्यान्ह भोजन योजना इत्यादि पर भी नजर रखी जा सकेगी 

5. आश्रम या एकलव्य विद्यालय योजना 

इसकी शुरुआत 2001 में की गई है इस योजना का उद्देश्य अनुसूचित जनजाति के बच्चों को निशुल्क आवासीय प्राथमिक शिक्षा प्रदान करना है 

झारखंड में 71 एकलव्य विद्यालय प्रस्तावित है 

6. पुस्तक अधिकोष  योजना

इस योजना के तहत तकनीकी शिक्षा में अध्ययनरत छात्रों को आर्थिक सहायता पुस्तक खरीदने हेतु दी जाती है  

मेडिकल, पॉलिटेक्निक, वेटनरी एवं एग्रीकल्चर महाविद्यालयों  में अध्ययन करने वाले प्रति 2 छात्रों पर एक पुस्तक से उपलब्ध कराया जाता है  

7. साइकिल वितरण योजना

यह योजना ग्रामीण क्षेत्र की उन छात्राओं को शिक्षा को ध्यान में रखकर लागू की गई है, जो सुदूर ग्रामीण  क्षेत्रों से पढ़ने आती थी   

अधिक दूरी और आर्थिक अभाव में यह लड़कियां पढ़ाई बीच में छोड़ देती थी। इसी को ध्यान में रखकर झारखंड सरकार ने नि:शुल्क साइकिल वितरण योजना लागू की है। इस योजना के तहत प्रत्येक छात्रा को ₹3500 साइकिल खरीदने हेतु दी जाती है  

8. कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालय योजना

➤इस योजना भारत सरकार के द्वारा 2004 शुरू की गई 

इस योजना का उद्देश्य, अनुसूचित जाति, जनजाति और पिछड़े वर्ग की बालिकाओं के लिए सुदूर ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में आवासीय उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय की स्थापना करना है

इस योजना के तहत शैक्षणिक रूप से पिछड़े 75% अनुसूचित जाति, जनजाति एवं पिछड़ी जाति  की छात्राओं को आवासीय शिक्षा की सुविधा प्रदान करने के लिए 203 प्रखंडों में कस्तूरबा गांधी बालिका विद्यालय योजना संचालित की जा रही है 

9.मध्यान्ह भोजन योजना

इस योजना को 15 अगस्त, 1995 में केंद्र सरकार के द्वारा शुरू किया गया था

इस योजना की सफलता को देखते हुए केंद्र सरकार ने वर्ष 2004 में इसे संपूर्ण भारत में सरकारी स्कूलों में लागू किया है। इस योजना के तहत कक्षा- 1 से 8 तक के सरकारी स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों को दोपहर का भोजन उपलब्ध कराया जाता है।इसमें केंद्र और राज्य सरकार का खर्च 75:25 के अनुपात में विभाजित है

इस योजना का उद्देश्य है:- 

(i) बच्चों का बेहतर विकास करना 
(ii) ज्यादा से ज्यादा बच्चे स्कूल आ सकें 
(iv) प्रभावित क्षेत्रों के बच्चों को खाना मुहैया कराना 

10. कंप्यूटर आधारित शिक्षा एवं साक्षरता 

झारखंड सरकार के द्वारा माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में कंप्यूटर शिक्षा को प्राथमिकता दिया जा रहा है 
इस योजना को लगभग 1074 सरकारी माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में लागू किया जा रहा है
इस योजना को राज्य सरकार ने जैव सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अभिकर्त्ता को लागू करने के लिए चुना है

11. मुख्यमंत्री विद्या-लक्ष्मी योजना 

इस योजना के तहत कक्षा-6 से 9 तक के अनुसूचित जाति तथा अनुसूचित जनजाति के छात्रों की अपनी शिक्षा को आगे जारी रखने के लिए ₹2000 स्कॉलरशिप दी जाती है

इस योजना का उद्देश्य, माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में जनजाति की छात्राओं के बीच शिक्षा तथा नामांकन दर में वृद्धि करना तथा विद्यालय को बीच में छोड़ने वाली छात्राओं की संख्या को कम करना है

12. निःशुल्क पाठ्य पुस्तक वितरण योजना

झारखंड सरकार सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत सरकारी स्कूल में पढ़ने वाले कक्षा-1 से 8 तक के पिछड़े वर्ग के विद्यार्थियों (ST, SC, OBC) को निशुल्क पाठ्य पुस्तक प्रदान करना है

गरीबी रेखा से नीचे के विद्यार्थियों को मुफ्त में यूनिफार्म का वितरण भी जे. ई. पी. सी. के द्वारा किया जाता है 

13. साक्षर भारत मिशन 

➤इसकी शुरुआत 8 दिसंबर, 2009 को अन्तराष्ट्रीय  साक्षरता दिवस के अवसर पर किया गया
➤यह केंद्र सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित योजना है 
➤झारखण्ड में इस योजना की शुरुआत 2010-11 में हुई

14. सर्व शिक्षा अभियान

केंद्र सरकार ने 2003 में सर्व शिक्षा अभियान की शुरुआत की थी। जिसका उद्देश्य प्राथमिक शिक्षा के स्तर में सुधार लाना था

वर्ष 2010 में सर्व शिक्षा अभियान का उद्देश्य संतोषजनक  गुणवत्ता वाली प्राथमिक शिक्षा के सार्वभौमीकरण बनाया गया 

झारखंड सरकार ने शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में सुधार करने के लिए 6-14 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों की प्राथमिक शिक्षा को निशुल्क और सशक्त बनाने के लिए, इस योजना को अपने राज्य में संचालित कर रही है 

इस योजना में केंद्र और राज्य सरकार का अनुपात 65:35 है

इस योजना का उद्देश्य है  

(i) गुणवत्तापूर्ण प्राथमिक शिक्षा देना  
(ii) 0 से 14 वर्ष आयु के सभी बच्चों को 5 साल की प्राथमिक शिक्षा देना 
(iii) शिक्षा प्रणाली में स्थायी वित्त पोषक की व्यवस्था करना 


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Industrial Development of Jharkhand- JPSC/JSSC


Nature has provided the state abundant supply of resources for industries. All the industries that are part of the state economics depend on these resources. Industries are instrumental in improving both employment opportunities and economic robustness. An increase in exports leads to better sales and production resulting in higher revenues that keep the other citizens' services going. 

The industries in the state may be divided into two categories: 1.) small-scale industries, 2.) large-scale industries.

Industrial Development of Jharkhand- JPSC/JSSC


All those industries, including those that, involve low capital and low production are covered under small industries. Many times, even a small industry with low capital may be seen making substantial production. All small scale industries, very small scale industries, and cottage industries like Khadi, handloom, twine, power loom, etc. are covered in this category. Based on capital, an enterprise launched with capital up to Rs. 10 crores is termed as small-scale industry category. Cottage industries require very small capital investment and mostly this is based on some hereditary skills of the entrepreneur.

The National Planning Commission has classified the cottage industries into the following categories:

I. Agro-based Industry:

  • This industry involves making products using agricultural products as inputs. Jobs like grain grinding, oil press, making jaggery, fruit jam, chutney, vinegar, tobacco, bidi, animal husbandry, trading in milk, fruits and cereals are all examples of agro-based cottage industry.

II. Textile Industry:

  • This covers jobs like cleaning cotton, spinning yarns, weaving clothes, dyeing clothes, embroidery, tailoring and trading in clothes, etc.

III. Timber Industry:

  • This is a hereditary occupation for some people while others take up this work for making profits. This includes jobs like lumbering, making furniture, toys, trading in timber, etc.

IV. Leather Industry:

  • Tanning, leather dyeing, making leather products like shoes and purses, producing bone manures and bone buttons, etc. are covered under this leather industry.

V. Metal Industry:

  • Purification of crude metals, trading in old metals, making iron tools, jewelry, making metal implements used in household chores are included in this category.

VI. Clay Industry:

  • This also is generally a hereditary occupation and is undertaken by the 'Kumhar' community. This pottery is an age-old occupation. A brick kiln is another big industry in this category.

VII. Cotton Textile Industry:

  • This industry does not have a significant presence in the state. The work of spinning yarns using handlooms is being done by a specific community for a long time. 
  • Appreciating the potentials of this job, co-operative societies developed this industry and started producing some 26000 yards of clothing per annum using around 2000 handlooms.
  • There is a spinning mill in Ormanjhi, Ranchi. The Chhotanagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Society at Irba, Ranchi is a big name in the industry.

VIII. Silk Textile Industry:

  • Jharkhand is the largest producer of Tassar Silk in the country. This is produced in many districts including Ranchi, Palamu, Hazaribagh. The quality of Tassar produced here has been acknowledged at the global level and has received 'Organic Certification' at the global level.
  • 'Tassar Cooperative Society' is functioning at Bhagaiya in the Godda district of the state.
  • 'Tassar Research Centre' at Ranchi is trying to promote the silk industry as a widespread industry.

IX. Other Industries:

  • There are hundreds of activities like extraction of oil from fish, production of lac, plastic toys, bangles, colors, soaps, incense, candles, varnish, and honey collection, etc. that would get covered in this category.
These small cottage industries help to a great extent in the eradication of unemployment, better usage of resources, and promotion of handicrafts. Also, they suit the village system, as they need only a basic level of knowledge. This arguments the family income as well as reduces the pressure on agriculture. These village industries have fast turnover times and they help improve the availability of raw materials.


All the large-scale industries in Jharkhand are based on minerals. There are some 309 large and medium mineral-based industries in the state. There are several medium industries active in supplying the raw material required for the manufacture of iron and steel and they serve the needs of Tata Iron and Steel Company and Bokaro Steel Plant. The state economy may be said to be good because of these very large-scale industries.

Tata Steel Company:

  • The credit for establishing this company at Sakchi in the East Singhbhum district of Jharkhand goes to the well-reputed 'Tata Group' of India.

  • 1907: The chairperson of this group, Shri Jamshedji Tata founded the 'TISCO' company in Jharkhand. 

  • 1911: After commissioning of the plant, the production started.

  • This was located at the confluence of Suabarnarekha and Kharkai Rivers considering geographical conditions and facilities required. The plant can get iron ore easily from the Noamundi, Gua, and Hoklatburu region lying within a distance of 100 km. Also, the coal required by the company is supplied from Jharia and Raniganj. Most of the raw materials are available within Sighbhu, region and hence the company is in a well-located place. The Rivers serve the demands of both clean water and sand.

  • The plant is connected to Kolkata port by rail network for carriage of goods. As part of their expansion plans, the Tata Group established 'Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company' in the year 1948.

  • Sakchi was given the name Jamshedpur in honor of Jamshedji, the founder of the company. Known as 'Tatanagar', this industrial city is famous all over the world for the production of railway wagons, boilers, trucks, and other vehicles.

Bokaro Steel Plant:

  • 1964: the company was established by the Government of India through the Steel Authority of India in collaboration with the Soviet Union.

  • 1972: production started.

  • It has a production capacity of 32 lakh tons. One of the sophisticated plants in the world, this is located near the Tenughat and Garga dams of the Damodar Valley. The plant gets cheap electricity from Damodar Power Project. 

  • All raw materials are conveniently supplied to the plant. The Kolkata-Delhi road is used conveniently for transportation and reaching port further down is quite easy.

Heavy Engineering Corporation (HEC):

  • 1958: The establishment of HEC in Jharkhand by the Government of India in collaboration with Russia & Czechoslovakia elevated the Indian industry to the pinnacle of its glory.
Three branches of this mega industrial unit are functional at a place named Hatia near Ranchi. They manufacture hundreds of equipment and machine tools for cement, edible oils, and other industries.
  • FFP (Foundry Forge Plant)= it uses high-temperature boilers for casting and forging iron to mold the same into required shapes for making heavy-duty machines and related equipment. This branch was set up with collaboration from Czechoslovakia.

  • HMBP (Heavy Machine Building Plant)= it was set up in collaboration with Russia. Its production capacity is 30 thousand tons of machinery every year. It produces equipment for the steel plant as well as cement, mining, edible oil plants. It also produces drilling machinery.

  • HMTP (Heavy Machine Tools Plant)= it was also set up in collaboration with Russia. This produces heavy machines and tools. Some 274 kinds of machine components are produced here. Bokaro Steel Plant gets requirements of machines and tools fulfilled from HPTP.
'Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd', a Government of India undertaking, is also located within the premises of HEC. This produces diesel engines and engines for ships.

Chemical Industry:

  • 1951: the GoI through the Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCI) established a large fertilizer factory at Sindri in the Dhanbad district.

  • Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, this plant produces Ammonium Sulphate, Nitrate, and Urea on a large scale. Damodar Valley Project fulfills its electricity and water requirements. This plant has an annual production capacity of 20,000 tons of Urea, 3 lakh tons of Nitrate. This plant is facing a lot of problems currently and discussions are in progress to start steel production here. It's not unusual to have problems in the supply of raw materials in Jharkhand because of its geographical diversities. This plant is also facing similar difficulties.

Aluminium Industry:

  • Because of the abundant deposits of bauxite in the state, the aluminum industry is in an ideal situation here. The state has around 100 lakh tons of bauxite reserves and Lohardaga has most of the same.

  • 1938: a plant to produce aluminum was set up at Muri near Ranchi by the Indian Aluminium Company. This place is connected to the Lohardaga-Ranchi rail network. This convenient transportation facility makes it easy to ensure a regular supply of bauxite that is needed for producing aluminum.

  • This plant has a production capacity of 1.60 lakh tons. Birla group has bought this plant and its current name is Hindalco.

Copper Industry:

  • 1924: the first copper-producing plant of the country was set up by the GoI at Ghatshila in the state through 'Indian Copper Corporation' (ICC).

  • 1930: purification of copper started.

  • The process of purification is quite complex. The raw materials received from the mines in Mosabani and Bedia are first crushed and then transported to the plant through ropeways. After being transported over a 10-km long ropeway, the crushed material is heated in an electric furnace to separate sulfur from copper. This process produces copper with almost 10% purity.

Glass Industry:

  • It has always been flourishing in India. A factory is established at Bhurkunda in Ramgarh district in Jharkhand in the name of 'Indo Asahi Glass' (IAG) Limited. 

  • This industry uses a number of minerals as raw materials, including silica, limestone, lead, borax, molasses, potassium carbonate, sodium sulfate, etc. All these raw materials are made available to the factory from Mangal Ghat and Patthar Ghat regions in the hills of Rajmahal.

Cement Industry:

  • Its factories in Jharkhand are located at the places like Kumardubi, Sindri, Japla, Chaibasa, Bokaro, and Khelari. The production of 1 ton of cement requires almost 2 tons of raw materials that are available in the state in abundance.

  • An explosive-producing plant is located at Gomia in the Bokaro district of the state in the name of 'Indian Explosive Ltd'.

  • The refractory industry has plants located at places like Dhanbad, Jharia, Ramgarh, and Chirkunda. They use igneous rocks to produce bricks designed to withstand very high temperatures, which is used lining for blast furnaces in iron and steel factories. 

Other Industries:

The GoI has also set up the following large-scale plants here under central administration, located in the State, constitute the backbone of Indian Industry.
  • Bokaro Steel Ltd. Bokaro
  • Eastern Coalfields (ECL) Santhal Pargana
  • Central Coalfields (CCL) Ranchi
  • Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BBCL) Dhanbad
  • Heavy Engineering Corporation (HEC) Ranchi
  • Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL) East Singhbhum
  • Birla Group has two plants in Jharkhand: Hindalco- at Muri, which is connected with the Aluminum industry, the factory at Palamu, 'Bihar Caustic Soda & Chemicals' produces chemicals.

  • Usha Martin Group has 'Usha Martin Steel' at Ranchi and Singhbhum producing steel and 'Usha Beltron' at Ranchi manufacturing cables.

  • The ACC group, famous all over the country, has cement factories at Dhanbad and Singhbhum.

  • The private sector company 'Hyderbad Industries' in Deoghar produces asbestos and 'Indian Steel and Wire' in East Singhbhu, manufactures steel rods.

In view of the infinite possibilities of industrial development in Jharkhand, the State government has formulated a three-tiered plan. under the same, a network of mega, mini, and micro industries will be spread all over the state. The State government has initiated the major steps for resolving the issues being faced by large & medium scale industries. they include incentives schemes for the units running in loss and also schemes to welcome new enterprises with various grants and incentives. 
  • 12 districts of the state have functioning 'District Industries Centre' (DIC), which are being strengthened further with additional powers.

  • 'Growth Centre' has been set up in the State for the development of industrially backward districts. 

  • One of the steps by the state government specially focused on imports & exports is the establishment of the Inland Container Depot at Jamshedpur. 250 containers are sent out every month from this depot.

  • Under Special Economic Zone (SEZ) scheme, the state government has initiated steps towards a Single Window system and portal (, where all the departments related to industry shall be brought under one roof. It has been deployed by the Department of Industries for accelerated processing for issuance of no-objection certificate (NOC) and approvals from concerned department for investors. All necessary information shall be made available to the investors under this system, along with the facility for online submission of applications.

Jharkhand is the first state in the country to implement the digital signature system
At present, this is implemented in the 
  • Department of Commercial Taxes, 
  • Department of Labour, 
  • Industrial Area Development Authority,  and 
  • Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board. 

Four special policies have been formulated to accelerate industrial development in Jharkhand. They are as follows:
  • Jharkhand Food Processing Industry Policy, 2015
  • Jharkhand Feed Processing Industry Policy, 2015
  • Jharkhand Industrial Park Policy, 2015
  • Jharkhand Export Policy, 2015

In order to facilitate, investments under all the industrial are development authorities in the State, the state government has passed 4 regulations for time-bound and transparent disposal of proposals for land allotment through online systems:
  • Adityapur Industrial Area Development Authority Regulation, 2015
  • Bokaro Industrial Area Development Authority Regulation, 2015
  • Ranchi Industrial Area Development Authority Regulation, 2015
  • Santhal Parganas Industrial Area Development Authority Regulation, 2015.

Jharkhand has imbibed with the thought of Mahatma Gandhi "If we have to achieve economic freedom, every hand must start working". The State government is committed to facilitating self-employment for poor citizens of the state-linked with 
  • Weaving traditional handicrafts and silk production. To achieve the same, the weavers and artisans are being provided high-quality training. A Craft & Design Institute (CDI) is being set up at Ranchi in collaboration with NID, Ahmedabad. To promote handloom, technical and financial assistance have been provided handloom industry resulting in improvement in its economic condition. A scheme has been approved and funds allotted for training in Computer-Aided Design with the help of C-DAC at five places- Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Latehar, Deoghar, and Saraikela-Kharsawan in the state.

  • Jharkhand State Khadi & Village Industries Board is not only playing an excellent role in the development and expansion of Khadi in the state but is also promoting self-employment at the village level. A modern readymade garment unit was inaugurated at Jhumri Tilaiya, Koderma on 4th October 2015, and a Khadi Bhavan and training-cum-production center was inaugurated at Modinagar (Palamu) on 5th December 2015. The national Khadi & Saras Festival was organized at Ranchi in February 2016 under the joint auspices of the State Khadi Board, the Khadi Commission, and the Department of Rural Development.

  • Silk Park is being established to facilitate the production of the latest silk apparel in the state itself and the generation of employment opportunities and augmentation in the income of the people connected with silk production of high-quality silk products in the state. Jharkhand enjoys the first rank in the production of Tassar Silk in the country. Currently, the silk farmers are able to earn income between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000/- from every harvest. The establishment of the Silk Production Chain in the state has eliminated dependence on the other institute for nuclear seeds, primary seeds, and commercial seeds in the state, and even other states were supplied commercial seeds.

  • JHARCRAFT has been used to provide a platform for marketing handicrafts and handloom products. Jharkhand is a state replete with handicraft art. High-quality training is being imparted with the help of JHARCAFT and departmental handicraft centers across the state to develop traditional handicraft items like Katha, applique, dhokra, terracotta, etc. Approval has been accorded for the establishment of 'Jharkhand Insitute of Craft & Design' at Ranchi with the assistance of NID, Ahmedabad.   

  • Skill development training is being provided to promote self-employment in the state. MSME Tool Room, Ranchi, and Government Tool Room, Dumka are imparting skill development training in various industrial trades to ensure the availability of skilled industrial workers in the state. Also, 100% of the trainees under 4-year diploma courses of the two Tool Rooms are bale to secure employment.

  • The establishment of an electronic manufacturing cluster at Adityapur and an integrated manufacturing center in the form of a growth center at Barhi are also planned. Also in the process is the development of the 'Ranchi-Patratu-Ramgarh Industrial Corridor' that will not only help improve industrial activities but also create new opportunities for capital investments. The Project Report for the 'Industrial Corridor' has been prepared by 'JINFRA'. The GoI has ambitious plans for the development of the 'Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor' as well as 'Amritsar-Delhi-Kolkata Industrial Corridor'. 196 km of this corridor passes through Jharkhand state. An integrated manufacturing cluster at Barhi has been identified near this only. The state is in the process of implementing its 'Modified Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme' (MIIUS) with the aim of helping the industrial units of the state to remain competitive on a global level. Under this, the industrial units shall be provided common facilities like Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Treatment Plants and other basic infrastructure facilities.

Establishment of Industrial Parks:

There is a proposal to set up 'Private Industrial Parks' and 'Industrial Parks under PPP mode' to promote private partnership in industrialization under the following parks are to be set up under the same.
  • Jharkhand Industrial Park Policy, 2015
  • Textile/Apparel Park
  • ITes Park
  • Biotechnology Park
  • Gems & Jewellery Park
  • Herbs Park and Chemical & Pharmaceuticals Parks.


  • JIDCO = Jharkhand Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation.
  • JIIDCO has been constituted for the purpose of building industrial infrastructure in the state. JIIDCO has a share capital of Rs. 50 crores. JIIDCO is going to play an important role in industrial development in the state.
  • The project for the Jagdishpur-Haldia gas pipeline will be taken up under joint auspices of JIIDCO and GAIL.


Jharkhand is a land-locked state. Hence, the industrialists and businessmen here have to not only face a lot of difficulties in exporting their products but also incur excessive costs. The Department of Industries is setting up an airport cargo complex at Ranchi. An agreement has been signed with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) in this regard and Jharkhand Export Policy, 2015 has been notified to promote exports.

All these endeavors have created an atmosphere for industrial development that will pave the way for the state to become industrially thriving and get counted along with developed states of the country in the near future.


Mukhyamantri Swasthya Bima Yojana (MSBY) - JPSC/JSSC

Mukhyamantri Swasthya Bima Yojana (MSBY), 2017

  • This scheme was launched on 15 November 2017 and will cover the entire state by December 28. The scheme will benefit 57 lakh families (80% of the total population) covered by the National Food Security Act in the state.

Mukhyamantri Swasthya Bima Yojana (MSBY) - JPSC/JSSC

The beneficiary family will receive health insurance in the following forms:
  • Secondary health services (746 packages)- Rs. 50,000/-
  • Additional benefits to senior citizens - Rs. 30,000/-
  • Tertiary health services (annual 234 packages) - Rs. 2,00,000/-

National Insurance company has been selected for the scheme. Empanelment of hospitals and distribution of health cards to the beneficiaries have already started for the same. 
  • Proposals have already been submitted to the Government of India under centrally sponsored schemes for the establishment of medical colleges in Chaibasa and Bokaro by upgrading main hospitals there. 

  • Administrative approval has been accorded for Rs. 1.94 crores for setting up a Trauma Centre at NH-143A, Community Health Centre, Kudu premises after taking consent from the State Projects Authorised Committee. 


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)


  • It is initiated by the Government of India on 25th June 2015, in which affordable housing will be provided to the poor with a target of building 2 crore (20 million) affordable houses by 31st March 2022 when the nation completes 75 years of independence.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)

  • This scheme applies to only those families who do not own any pucca house in the name of any member of the family in any part of India. The scheme shall be executed with public and private partnerships.

  • It has 2 components: PM Awas Yojna (Urban) (PMAY-U) and PM Awas Yojna (Gramin) (PMAY-G/R) under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation.

  • The scheme is converged with other schemes to ensure houses have a toilet, Saubhagya Yojana electricity connection, Ujjwala Yojna LPG connection, access to drinking water, and Jan Dhan banking facilities, etc. Total 1 crore homes are approved against the total demand of 1.12 crores as of 28 December 2019.

Three phases PMAY envisage starting and completing the house construction work as follows:
  • PMAY Phase I: from April 2015 to March 2017 to cover 100 cities.
  • PMAY Phase II: from April 2017 to March 2019 to cover additional 200 cities.
  • PAMY Phase III: from April 2019 to March 2022 to cover remaining cities.


  • It is a social welfare program, created by the Indian Government, to provide housing for the rural poor in India.

  • This scheme was launched in the year 1985 by then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi as one of the major flagship programs of the Ministry of Rural Development to construct houses for the BPL population in villages.

  • Under the scheme, a person belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, and other backward classes and those below the poverty line (BPL) are provided grants for the construction of houses or converting their mud houses to pucca houses. The beneficiaries in these plains are paid Rs.70,000/- and those in the hills are paid Rs.75,000/-.

A similar scheme for the urban poor was launched in 2015 as "Housing for all" by 2022


Friday, April 30, 2021

Ayushman Bharat Yojana


  • A flagship scheme of the Government of India was launched as recommended by the National Health Policy 2017, to achieve the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Ayushman Bharat Yojana

  • This initiative has been designed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its underlining commitment, which is to "leave no one behind".

  • It is an attempt to move from a sectoral and segmented approach of health service delivery to a comprehensive need-based health care service.

  • Under this scheme, the government will open a 1.5 lakhs of Health & Wellness Centre by 2022, which will be equipped to provide medical treatment for diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and old-age illness.

Ayushman Bharat adopts a continuum of care approach, comprising of two inter-related components, which are- Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs), Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY).

Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs): 

  • In February 2018, the GoI announced the creation of 1.50 lakhs HWCs by transforming the existing sub-centers and Primary health centers (PHC).

  • These centers are to deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) bringing healthcare closer to the homes of the people. They cover both, maternal and child health services and non-communicable diseases, including free essential drugs and diagnostic services. 

  • The emphasis of health promotion and prevention is designed to bring focus on keeping people healthy by engaging and empowering individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic disease and morbidities. 

  • On 14th April 2018 on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti, PM Modi inaugurated the first HWC at Bijapur district in Chattisgarh.

PM-Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY):

  • This scheme was launched on 23rd September 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by PM Narendra Modi.

  • It is the largest health assurance scheme in the world which aims at providing a health coverage of Rs. 5 lakhs/family per year for secondary & tertiary care hospitalization to cover 10.74 crores poor and vulnerable families (approximately 50 crore beneficiaries) that from the bottom 40% population of India. 

  • It was earlier known as National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS). It submerged the then-existing Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) which had been launched in 2008. 

  • PM-JAY is fully funded by the Government and cost implementation is shared between the Central and State Governments.


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