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Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity


Education Marks Proper Humanity

Monday, July 27, 2020



Tense: A tenses may be defined as that form of a verb which indicates the time and the state of an action or event. In this manner, a verb may refer to,

(A.) Time of Action (Tense):
(a.) He goes to school. (Present time of action)
(b.) He went to school. (Past time of action)
(c.) He will go to school. (Future time of action)
From the above sentences it will be clear that there are three main tenses:
(1.) The Present Tense 
(2.) The Past Tense
(3.) The Future Tense

(B.) State of an Action (Function of Tense):
(a.) I write letters regularly. (Present time, Habitual Function)
(b.) I am writing a letter. (Present Continuous, Progressive Function)
(c.) I have just written a letter. (Present Perfect, Preceding Function)
(d.) I have been writing a letter for some time. (Present Perfect Continuous, Time Expression)

(C.) Time Frame of a Tense:
(i.) Point of Time: Which denotes any specific time/proper time. E.g., in 1947, on Monday, etc.
(ii.) Period of Time: Which denotes a specific duration of time. E.g., from 2001 to 2020, from Monday to Sunday, etc.
(iii.) Expression of Time: Which denotes the combination of both point and period of time. E.g., winter 1947, summer 1950, etc.
1. Present Tense & Their Rules:
(1.) The Present Indefinite Tense (Habitual Action)
(a.) This tense is used to denote habit, custom, practice, repeated, action, permanent activity, general truth, etc. 
(b.) Ideas are expressed by the adverb of frequency such as often, seldom, rarely, usually, never, occasionally, sometimes, normally, always, frequently, daily, etc. Example- 
(i.) The old lady goes for a walk in the morning.
(ii.) Mohan usually believes everybody.
(iii.) Suhani always comes in time.
(c.) It is also used to make a statement in the present showing permanent nature and activity of the subject and eternal principles. Example-
(i.) I know her well.
(ii.) The cow gives milk.
(iii.) Rivers freeze at high altitudes.
(d.) Historical Present:
(i.) Now Netaji enters and addresses the Indian soldiers.
(ii.) Now Arjun shoots arrows at Bhishma.
(e.) Future Arrangement: 
(i.) The Chief Minister arrives from New Delhi tomorrow.
(ii.) She leaves his job next week.

(2.) The Present Continuous Tense (Progressive Action)
(a.) It is used for an action in progress, that is temporary in nature (not for a permanent activity) in the present at the time of speaking. Example-
(i.) She is not working. She is swimming in the river.
(ii.) It is raining outside.
(b.) It also expresses future action or a definite arrangement in the near future. Example-
(i.) I am going to the market tomorrow.
(ii.) She is coming next week.
(c.) Continuous tense + 'always' may express an idea, which is not to the linking of the speaker. Example-
(i.) He is always teaching his children.
(ii.) She is always praising her friends.
(d.) There are some of the verbs which sometimes do not admit of progressive action. Such verbs are called as Non-Progressive (Static verbs). Example-
(i.) Perception Verbs: See, taste, smell, please.
(ii.) Verbs of Thinking Process: Think, know, mind, mean.
(iii.) Verbs of Showing Possession: Own, have, belong, possess, contain.
(iv.) Verbs expressing Feelings or State of Mind: Belief, like, love, want, wish.
(v.) Verbs in General: Look, seem, appear, affect, resemble, cost, stand.

(3.) The Present Perfect Tense (Preceding Action)
(a.) It is a mixture of present & past tense. The action is already complete in the past, when at the time of speaking. It signifies a strong connection with the present though action took place in the past. The following adverbs & conjunctions are used to express the preceding action. (Ever, just, recently, already, yet, till, so far, of late, lately, before, by the time, after) Example-
(i.) I have just seen that film.
(ii.) I have already had my breakfast.
(iii.) 'So far, yet, till = up to now, up to this. (Negative implication)

(b.) (Present Perfect + Point of Time = Simple Past). The point of time in the past indicates that action took place at a point in the past. The point of time is expressed by since, ever since, last, yesterday, the other day, ago, before, back, formerly (any time in the past). Example-
(i.) She has returned three days ago/before. (Incorrect, omit 'has')
(ii.) She returned three days ago/before. (Correct)

 (c.) (Present Indefinite + Time Expression= Present Perfect)This also can be used with since, for, how long, whole, all, throughout, all along, etc. to express time expression. Example-
(i.) She has known me for three years.
(ii.) He has owned this house since 2017.

2. Past Tense & Their Rules:
(1.) The Past Indefinite Tense (Habitual Action)
(a.) It is used for a past habit, indicated by often, seldom, usually, frequently, rarely, daily, used to, would, etc. Example-
(i.) They never drank juice.
(ii.) She always carried an umbrella.
(iii.) I used to go to Mumbai by train.
(b.) It is also used for a single act completed in the past. A definite point of time is denoted by since, ever since, earlier, ago, back, last, yesterday, the other day (any point of time in the past). Example-
(i.) I have ever met your brother yesterday. (Incorrect, remove 'have')
      I ever met your brother yesterday. (Correct)
(ii.) She has bought a car two years ago. (Incorrect, remove 'has')
       She bought a car two years ago.

(2.) The Past Continuous Tense (Progressive Action)
(a.) It is used for past action in progress. Example-
(i.) It was still raining when I reached there. 
(ii.) She was busy packing last evening.
(b.) It is also used for a definite arrangement for the future in the past. Example-
(i.) She was leaving that night.
(ii.) I asked him what he was doing on Sunday.
(c.) While, still, at that moment, then these words also help to express action in the past.

(3.) The Past Perfect Tense (Past Preceding Action)
(a.) It is used when out of two actions. It is necessary to highlight the preceding action was completely finished before the succeeding action started. Example-
(i.) I had gone to Mumbai last week before my mother came. (Correct)
(ii.) I had gone to Mumbai last week. (Incorrect, as preceding action is not implied here)

(b.) Sometimes preceding action is implied and is indicated by the use of ever, just, recently, already, yet, so far, till (time), by the time, before, by, after, etc. Example-
(i.) I had already taken breakfast.
(ii.) I had finished the book before he came.
(iii.) I had retired from college just then.
(iv.) She finished the book after she had returned from college.

(c.) It is also used as time expression with since, for, how long, whole, all, throughout, all along, etc. Example-
(i.) She has known him for five years.
(ii.) She had owned this house for three years.

(d.) It is also used with verbs such as want, hope, expect, think, suppose, mean, intend, these indicate that the cation mentioned did not take place. Example-
(i.) I had wanted to help my sister (but could not help)
(ii.) I had expected to pass. (but did not pass)   
(iii.) My sister had hoped that I would send her money. (unfulfilled hope)

3.  Future Tense & Their Rules:
(1.) The Future Indefinite Tense (Future Action)
(a.) It expresses an action that is to take place in the future. Soon, shortly, in a few, tomorrow, presently (soon), next year/month/week, indicates the future action. Example-
(i.) They will come tomorrow. 
(ii.) The teacher will take an examination next week.
(b.) It is expressed in the present continuous tense. But it is more definite action than the action expressed in the future indefinite. Example-
(i.) They are coming tomorrow. (certain to come)
(ii.) She is marrying soon. (certain to marry)
(c.) It is expressed in the future continuous. Example-
(i.) Mohan will be arriving soon. (He will arrive)
(ii.) I shall be going tomorrow. (I shall go)
(d.) It is expressed in the present indefinite tense. Example-
(i.) She arrives from the India next month. (will arrive)
(ii.) The Prime Minister leaves for Kanpur tomorrow. (will leave)

(2.) The Future Continuous Tense (Future Progressive)
(a.) It is used to express an action that will be in progress with a point of time in the future. Example-
(i.) She will be waiting for me when I reach her home.
(ii.) What will he be doing when you visit him?
(iii.) Get home at once. Your mother will be wondering where you are.
(iv.) Probably, it will be raining when you reach Ranchi.
(b.) It is also used to express the future indefinite tense or definite future arrangement. Example-
(i.) She will be going to Patna by car today.
(ii.) He will be arriving tomorrow to meet his wife.

(3.) The Future Perfect Tense (Future Preceding)
(a.) It is used when out of two actions it is necessary to highlight the preceding action will be completely finished before the succeeding action starts in the future. It is indicated by the use of ever, just, already, recently, yet, so far, till (time), before, by the time, after. Example-
(i.) She will have already prepared food when I reach home.
(ii.) He will have rung up his wife before he arrives.
(iii.) I think the news will not have been published so far.
(iv.) My assistant will have typed letters by lunch today.

(b.) It is also used to express time expression. Since, for, how long, whole, all, throughout, all long, denote the action started sometime in the past and is continuing into the present. Example-
(i.) He will have known her for three years next month.
(ii.) She will have suffered a lot by now since her birth.

4. Perfect Continuous: Present, Past, Future (Time Expression)
(a.) Perfect Continuous tense (Present, Past, Future) denotes an action continuing from the past into the present. It implies the duration of action (past to present). The time expression is indicated by since, for, how long, whole, all, throughout, all along.

(b.) Time expression can be used with both continuous & definite tenses as follows-
(i.) Continuous + Time Expression = Perfect Continuous (Action is not yet complete)
(ii.) Indefinite + Time Expression = Perfect (Action is complete)
(i.) She goes to the temple every Tuesday. (Point of time)
(ii.) She has completed two letters since last night. (Time Expression)
(iii.) She had been playing Ludo the whole day yesterday. (Time Expression)




Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jharkhand ki Rajvyavastha Part-1 (झारखंड की राजव्यवस्था PART-1)

Jharkhand ki Rajvyavastha Part-1

झारखंड की राजव्यवस्था PART-1

भारतीय संविधान के प्रावधान के अनुसार झारखंड भारत संघ का एक अभिन्न अंग है झारखंड भारत संघ का एक राज्य है झारखंड की शासन प्रणाली भारत संघ के अन्य राज्यों के समान है, झारखंड में संसदीय शासन प्रणाली स्थापित है 

1. विधायिका-   सरकार के कानून बनाने वाले अंग को विधायिका कहते हैं 
2. कार्यपालिका - सरकार के कानूनों को कार्यान्वित करने वाले अंग को कार्यपालिका कहते हैं 

3. न्यायपालिका - सरकार के न्याय करने वाले अंग को न्यायपालिका कहते हैं


संसदीय शासन प्रणाली के अंतर्गत राज्य में दो प्रकार की कार्यपालिका होती है 

1.नाम मात्र की कार्यपालिका -जिसका प्रमुख राज्यपाल होता है 
2.वास्तविक कार्यपालिका  -   जिसका प्रमुख मुख्यमंत्री होता है 

💨राज्यपाल राज्य का नाम मात्र का अध्यक्ष है राज्य की समस्त कार्यपालिका संबंधित शक्ति राज्यपाल में निहित होता है जिसका प्रयोग वह मंत्रिपरिषद की सहायता से करता है 

💨 भारत के प्रत्येक राज्य में एक राज्यपाल होगा(अनुच्छेद 153 में यह प्रावधान है)। 
💨राज्यपाल की नियुक्ति राष्ट्रपति के द्वारा की जाती है तथा अपनी इच्छा के अनुरूप पद पर बना है रहता है(अनुच्छेद 155 )

राज्यपाल पद पर नियुक्त किए जाने वाले व्यक्ति में निम्नलिखित योग्यताएं होनी चाहिए

 💨वह भारत का नागरिक  हो
💨वह 35 वर्ष की आयु पूरी कर चुका हो
💨वह संसद या किसी राज्य विधानमंडल का सदस्य ना हो
💨वह किसी लाभ के पद पर ना हो 
💨राज्य की विधान सभा का सदस्य बनने की योग्यता रखता है

राज्यपाल की कार्यकाल

💨राज्यपाल का कार्यकाल (अनुच्छेद 156) के अनुसार उनके पद ग्रहण करने की तारीख से लेकर 5 वर्ष तक का होता है इस अवधि की समाप्ति के बाद भी वह तब तक अपने पद पर बना रहता है, जब तक की उसका कोई उत्तराधिकारी पद ग्रहण नहीं कर लेता है 
💨राज्यपाल  राष्ट्रपति को अपना त्यागपत्र दे कर पद से मुक्त हो सकता है

राज्यपाल की शपथ

 राज्यपाल को शपथ संबंधित राज्य के उच्च न्यायालय का मुख्य न्यायाधीश पद एवं गोपनीयता की शपथ दिलाता है (अनुच्छेद 159 के तहत)

राज्यपाल का वेतन और भत्ता

राज्यपाल को तीन लाख पचास हजार रूपये (₹3,50,000) प्रति माह वेतन मिलता है तथा वह ऐसे भत्ते का भी हकदार होता है जिसे संसद द्वारा नियत किया जाता है

राज्यपाल के कार्य और अधिकार संक्षिप्त में:-

💨राज्य की समस्त कार्यपालिका शक्तियां राज्यपाल में निहित होता है (अनुच्छेद 154)
💨राज्यपाल का समस्त कार्य राज्यपाल के नाम से संचालित किया जाता है (अनुच्छेद 166 )
💨राज्यपाल मुख्यमंत्री की नियुक्ति करता है तथा मुख्यमंत्री के परामर्श से ही अन्य मंत्रियों की नियुक्ति करता है।(अनुच्छेद 164)
💨राज्य के महाधिवक्ता, राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के अध्यक्ष तथा सदस्य अधीनस्थ न्यायालयों के न्यायाधीशों आदि की नियुक्तियां भी राज्य के राज्यपाल करते हैं
💨राज्यपाल विधानसभा में एक अंगलो भारतीय सदस्य की नियुक्ति करता है(अनुच्छेद 333 )

राज्यपाल की आपत्कालीन अधिकार

💨राज्यपाल राज्य में(अनुच्छेद 356) के तहत राष्ट्रपति से राज्य में राष्ट्रपति शासन लागू करने का सिफारिश कर सकता है 

राज्यपाल की विधायी अधिकार

💨राज्यपाल को  राज्य में  विधानमंडल का सत्र बुलाने,सत्रवास करने तथा विधानसभा को विघटित करने का अधिकार प्राप्त है(अनुच्छेद 174)
💨राज्यपाल की अनुमति के बिना कोई धन विधेयक अधिनियम पारित नहीं होता है (अनुच्छेद 200)
💨प्रतिवर्ष राज्य में वित्तीय लेखा-जोखा को तैयार करवा कर सदन के सामने प्रस्तुत करता है(अनुच्छेद 202 के तहत)

राज्यपाल के प्रमुख न्यायिक अधिकार निम्नलिखित हैं

💨राज्यपाल जिला न्यायाधीशों और अन्य अधिकारों की नियुक्ति स्थानांतरण पदोन्नति के संबंधित मामलों पर निर्णय करता है राज्यपाल इन शक्तियों का प्रयोग उच्च न्यायालय की सलाह से करता है
💨राज्यपाल किसी व्यक्ति को न्यायालय द्वारा दिए गए दंड को क्षमादान,लघु करण,निलंबन आदि में  परिवर्तित कर सकते हैं
💨किंतु मृत्युदंड प्राप्त किसी व्यक्ति के बारे में कोई भी निर्णय लेने का शक्ति राज्यपाल को प्राप्त नहीं है


Saturday, July 25, 2020



Article: These are very important words in English and so is their knowledge. It is used before only nouns to limit or define their uses in the context of the sentence. They impart effectiveness and accuracy to the nouns. In fact, articles are used as demonstrative and determiners before nouns.

There are two kinds of Articles:
1. Indefinite ArticlesA, An (in the sense of 'one' and 'any')
2. Definite ArticlesThe (in the sense of 'this' and 'that')

There are two kinds of Articles:
1. Rule I: Must note that the choice between 'A' & 'An' is determined primarily by Sound.
(A) 'A' is used before a word beginning.
(1.) With Consonant: a boy, a child, a book, a student.
(2.) With a Vowel giving the sound of a Consonant: a one-eyed man, a European, a uniform, a university student, a unique book, a universal problem.

(B) 'An' is used before a word beginning.
(1.) With a Vowel: an elephant, an apple, an ass, as an umbrella.
(2.) With a mute 'H': an hour, an honorable person, an honorary post, an heir, an honest man, an hourly visit.
(3.) With Consonant pronounced with the sound of a Vowel: an LLB student, an MP, an MLA, an SP, an X-ray, an FIR.

2. Rule II:
(I) Indefinite article 'A'/'An' is used when a thing or a person is indefinite or that is mentioned for the first time. (in the sense of 'one')
(II) The indefinite article is also used to express a class (in the sense of 'any')
(A) Before a singular/countable common noun when it is mentioned for the first time representing no particular person or a thing. Example-
(1.) I need a book.
(2.) Twelve inches make afoot.
(3.) A beggar came to my door.
(4.) Please get me a scooter.
(5.) She gave her a notebook.

(B)Before a singular/countable noun which is used to single out some person/something as a representative of a class of things, animals, and person. Example-
(1.) A cow is a useful animal. 
(2.) A beggar cannot be a chooser.
(3.) A rose is a beautiful flower.
(4.) A son should be obedient.

(C) To make a common noun of a proper noun to express quality. Example-
(1.) He is a Vikramaditya known for his friends.
(2.) Shylock is living in my neighborhood.

(D) In certain expressions of quantity with certain numbers and expressions of Price/rate, speed, ratio. Example
(1.) Rupees ten a kilo.
(2.) A dozen bananas.
(3.) Half a dozen.

(E) When 'A/An' represents a weakened form of the preposition 'in'. Example-
(1.) We should brush our teeth two times a day.
(2.) He earns fifty thousand rupees a year.

(F) In exclamations with 'what' or 'how' before singular countable nouns.
(1.) What a hot day!
(2.) What kind of a teacher.
(3.) What a naughty child!

(G) The position of the indefinite article in the following adverbs. (Rather, very, much, quite, so, too, such, as). Example-
(1.) It is rather a good step.
(2.) He is a much-hated character.
(3.) It is quite an interesting story.
(4.) She is as intelligent a student as her brother is.
(5.) She is too weak a student to pass.

(H) Before the verbs used as nouns. Example-
(1.) For a swim/visit/drive/talk/walk.
(2.) Have a mind/taste/pain.

(I) Before certain phrases. Example-
(1.) A pity.
(2.) In a hurry.
(3.) Make a noise.
(4.) Feel a shame.

(J) Before the words denoting numbers. Example-
(1.) A hundred/dozen/million etc.

(K) Before the adjectives 'little' & 'few' to give the sense of 'some'. Example-
A little - some (quantity)
A few - some (number)
(1.) A has little money to buy a house. (hardly any)
(2.) Please give me a little sugar. (some)
(3.) He has spent the little money that he had. (some but all)
(4.) There are few boys in the class (hardly anyone)
(5) I met a few students at the university. (hardly anyone)
(6) The few students that were in the class were sitting idle. (some nut all)

(L) There is no plural of 'a', & 'an'. 'Some' or 'Any' is the equivalent to the plural. Example-
(1.) A horse - some horses/any horses
(2.) An orange - some oranges/any oranges.

The Use of Definite Article 'The':
3. Rule III
(A) When a particular person or a thing is already under discussion. Example-
(1.) The book (which we mentioned) is not available in the market.
(2.) Let us study the lesson carefully. 

(B) Before proper nouns (unique objects) when they refer to the names of historical buildings, mountain ranges, planets, rivers, oceans, gulfs, groups of islands, holy books, ordinals, descriptive name of countries, states, newspapers, magazines, deserts, superlative degree, name of trains, hotels, shops, trains, etc. Example-
(1.) The Persian Gulf
(2.) The Taj Mahal
(3.) The Rajdhani Express
(4.) The Times of India
(5.) The Himalayas 

(C.) When a Singular noun has expressed a class of animals or things. But, 'The' is avoided with their Plural forms and persons to express a class. Example-
(1.) The dog is a faithful animal.
(2.) The cow is economically useful.
(3.) The cows are economically useful. (Delete 'The')
(4.) The son should be obedient. (Delete 'The', use 'A'. 'The' before a person doesn't express a class of persons)

(D) Before an adjective when it represents a class of persons. Example-
(1.) The old are respected by the young.
(2.) The rich should help the poor.

(E) Before musical instruments. Example-
(1.) He can play the flute.
(2.) She is fond of playing the harmonium.

(F) As an adverb with a comparative sense. (Double comparison). Example-
(1.) The sooner, the better.
(2.) The higher you go, the colder it is.

(G) Before comparison degree in the case of a choice. Example-
(1.) She is the weaker of the two sisters.
(2.) Which is the more beautiful of the two sisters?

(H) Before proper noun for the sake of comparison. Example-
(1.) Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
(2.) Surdas is the Milton of India.

(I) Before sports cups and trophies. Example-
(1.) India won the World Cup last year.
(2.) A number of teams are taking part in the World Cup.

(J) Before physical position. Example-
(1.) The top of the mountain.
(2.) The back of the house.

(K) With the cardinal points. Example-
(1.) The Sun rises in the East.
(2.) The Himalayas are to the North of India.

(L) Before a unit of measurement. Example-
(1.) The cloth is sold by the meter.
(2.) Eggs are sold by the dozen.

(M) Before caste & communities. Example-
(1.) The Rajputs are brave people.
(2.) The Marathas are hard working.

(N) Before the adjectives 'same & whole' and after the adjective 'all & both' used with plural nouns. Example-
(1.) This is the same book that you gave me.
(2.) The whole class was absent.
(3.) Both the brothers were honest.

(O) In certain idiomatic phrases. Example-
(1.) In the wrong.
(2.) On the contrary.
(3.) In the air.
(4.) Speak the truth.

(P.) Before a common noun to give it the force of a superlative. Example-
(1.) She is a woman. 
(2.) He is the man for this job.
(3.) Nehru was a leader.

(Q) Before a common noun to give it the sense of an abstract noun (feelings, qualities, etc) Example-
(1.) The judge in him. (sense of justice)
(2.) The mother in her. (feelings of a mother)
(3.) The beast in him. (cruelty of beast)

The Omission of Articles: The article 'A/An, The'.
4. Rule IV
(A) Before proper nouns. Example-
(1.) Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist.
(2.) Delhi is the capital of India.

(B) Before the names of materials. Example-
(1.) Silver is a useful metal.
(2.) The tea of Assam is very famous.
(3.) The water of the Ganga is sacred.

(C.) Before abstract nouns as qualities, feelings, and states used in the general sense. Example-
(1.) Truth is a noble quality.
(2.) Love is a natural feeling.
(3.) Honesty is the best policy.

(D) Before noun complement (appoint, make, elect, select) Example-
(1.) The committee appointed him Captain.
(2.) They elected him President.

(E) Before regular meals except when preceded by an adjective. For example-
(1.) I take breakfast at 8 a.m
(2.) You should take dinner early.
(3.) They gave us a good breakfast.
(4.) A good breakfast is necessary.

(F) Before little, few. (in a negative sense) Example-
(1.) Little sugar (hardly any)
(2.) Few students (hardly anyone)

5. Rule V
(A) When two or more connected nouns refer to the same person or thing, the article should be used before the first noun. However, the article is used before each noun if they refer to two different persons or objects. Example-
(1.) The Prime Minister and the President are visiting the town today. (Two different persons holding two different posts.)
(2.) The Prime Minister and President of the party is on a visit to the town today. (One person holding two posts)

 (B) Similarly, one article before the first adjective is used when two or more adjectives qualify the same noun. Example-
(1.) She is wearing black and white saree.

(C.) If there are two articles before ordinals, use a singular noun. In the case of an article before one ordinal, the noun should be used in plural form. Example-
(1.) The first and second chapters are very difficult.
(2.) The first and second chapters are very difficult.




Thursday, July 23, 2020



Adverb: An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another verb. It is used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Example-
(a.) She is walking slowly.                     (b.) She is very intelligent.
(c.) She is walking very slowly.            (d.) They are very smart.

Kinds of Adverb:
1.) Adverb of Time = Before, ago, lately, yet, now, soon, yesterday, already, never.
2.) Adverb of Frequency = Always, once, seldom, usually, rarely.
3.) Adverb of Place = Here, everywhere, down, near, away, backward, upward.
4.) Adverb of Manner = Slowly, so, soundly, delightfully.
5.) Adverb of Degree = Almost, fully, very, enough, rather, utterly, quite, too, really.
6.) Interrogative AdverbHow, what, when, why. 
7.) Adverb of Affirmation(Declaration) & Negation (Contradiction) = Certainly, apparently, obviously, no, undoubtedly.
8.) Relative Adverb = When, where, why, how. These adverbs are used to make an adjective clause. 

Rules of Adverb:
1. Rule IAdjective qualifies a noun and a pronoun whereas adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, and an adverb. Example-
(a.) Her act was remarkable. 
(b.) She acted remarkably to achieve success.

2. Rule II: Adverbs of time such as always, often, already, just, never, ever, sometimes, frequently, recently, seldom, hardly, etc. are placed before the verb they modify. Example-
(a.) My brother comes often every Sunday. (Place 'often' before 'comes')
(b.) My brother often comes every Sunday. (Correct)
(c.) He goes usually to the movie every Friday. (Place 'usually' before 'goes')
(d.) He usually goes to the movie every Friday. (Correct)

3. Rule III: Adverbs of manners are placed only after the Intransitive verb. However, the adverb are placed either before or after the transitive verb. Example-
(a.) He soundly slept last night. (Place 'soundly' after 'slept')
(b.) He slept soundly last night. (Correct)
(c.) He returned immediately.
(d.) He briefly narrated the incident to me.

4. Rule IV: If the sentence is introduced by an adverb, inverted from the verb is used for the sake of emphasis. Example-
(a.) Never I'll see her again. (Incorrect)
(b.) Never will I see her again. (Correct)
(c.) I'll never see her again. (Correct)
(d.) Seldom he visits his parents. (Incorrect)
(e.) Seldom does he visit his parents. (Correct)
(f.) He seldom visits his parents. (Correct)

5. Rule V: Use of Else and Other.
'Else' Should be followed by 'but'. 'Other' and 'otherwise' are followed by 'than'.
(a.) It is nothing else than sheer madness. (Use 'but' in place of 'than')
(b.) It is nothing else but sheer madness. (Correct)
(c.) She had no other alternative but stay here. (Use 'than' in place of 'but')
(d.) She had no other alternative than stay here. (Correct)

6. Rule VI: Both 'never' and 'not' are adverbs. Hence, the use of 'never' for 'not' is incorrect. Example-
(a.) I never went to Shimla last year. (Use 'did not' in place of 'never')
(b.) I did not went to Shimla last year. (Correct)
(c.) I never remember to have said so. (Use 'do not' in place of 'never')
(d.) I don't remember to have said so. (Correct)
(e.) I remember never to have said so. (Correct)

7. Rule VII: Use 'Seldom or never', 'seldom, if ever', 'little or nothing', 'little, if anything'. The phrases 'seldom or ever' and 'little or anything' are wrong in use. Example-
(a.) We seldom or ever meet our relatives these days. (Incorrect)
(b.) We seldom or never (seldom, if ever) meet our relatives these days. (Correct)

8. Rule VIII: Negative adverbs should not be used with the words negative meaning. So, two negatives should be avoided. Seldom, nowhere, never, nothing, hardly, scarcely, neither, barely, rarely, are some of the adverbs expressing negative meaning. Example-
(a.) I rarely went to meet nobody across the road. (Use 'anybody' in place 'nobody')
(b.) I rarely went to meet anybody across the road.
(c.) They do not seldom come here. (Remove 'do not')
(d.) They seldom come here. (Correct)
(e.) He does nothing without never consulting me. (Use 'ever' for 'never')
(f.) He does nothing without ever consulting me. (Correct)

9. Rule IX: The use of very, much, so, too, enough, rather. 
(1.) Very : It modifies present participle used as adjective, adverb, and adjective in positive degree. 
(2.) Much : It is used with comparative degree and past participle. Example-
(a.) It is a much interesting picture. (use 'very' in place of 'much')
(b.) It is a very interesting picture. (Correct)
(c.) I was very exhausted in the evening. (use 'much' in place of 'very')
(d.) I was much exhausted in the evening. (Correct)

(3.) So & too : These should not be used without 'that' (Adverb clause) and 'too' (Infinitive) respectively. 'Very' & 'much' may be used in the place of so & too. Example-
(a.) My brother is so healthy. (Use 'very' in place of 'so')
(b.) My brother is very healthy. (Correct)
(c.) She is too healthy. (Say 'very' for 'too')
(d.) She is very healthy. (Correct)

(4.) Enough : This is both an adjective and adverb. It is always placed after the adjective which it modifies. An adjective is placed before a noun. Example-
(a.) She is enough wise to allow her son to go. (place 'enough' after 'wise')
(b.) She is wise enough to allow her son to go. (Correct)
(c.) He has enough money to spend. (Correct)
(d.) She is too kind to help everybody. (Say, 'kind enough' in place of 'too')
(e.) She is kind enough to help everybody. (Correct)

(5.) Rather : This is an adverb of degree like 'fairly, quite, pretty. It can be used before a noun. Rather is also used in case of preference. Example- rather than, had rather, etc.
(a.) She is rather intelligent.
(b.) He is walking rather slowly.
(c.) It is rather a nuisance.

10. Rule X: Difference between too, as well, also. These are used in the sense of "besides", "in addition to" in affirmative sentences. But "also" can't be used at the end position
(a.) She found her bag and money as well/too.
(b.) She plays the piano and the harmonium as well/too.
(c.) She found her bag and money also. (Say, "also money")
(d.) She found her bag and also money. (Correct)

11. Rule XI: While answering a question the adverb 'yes' or 'no' should be used according to the affirmative and negative answer. Example-
(a.) Have you taken food?
(b.) Yes, I have not taken so far. (Use, 'No' in place of 'Yes')
(c.) No, I have not taken so far. (Correct)

12. Rule XII: 
(1.) Adverb 'as' should be used to introduce predicative of the verbs. Regard, describe, define, treat, view, know, etc.
(2.) Adverb 'as' should be avoided to introduce predicative of the verbs. Name, elect, think, consider, call, appoint, make, choose, etc. Example-
(a.) I regard him my brother . (add, 'as' after 'him')
(b.) I regard him as my brother. (Correct)
(c.) Science has been defined the study of nature. (add, 'as' after 'defined')
(d.) Science has been defined as the study of nature. (Correct)
(e.) He was elected as the secretory of our club. (remove 'as')
(f.) He was elected the secretory of our club. (Correct)




Adjective: An adjective is a word that tells us about or add to the meaning of a noun.
E.g. (a.) She is a kind lady.                      (b.) I like this pen.
        (c.) She lives in a large house.        (d.) He is a strong player.

There are following two classes of adjectives: (A.) Descriptive   (B.) Determiner

Position of Adjectives: 
(A.) Descriptive adjectives, are used both attributively and predicatively. It denotes the quality, size, colour, shape, etc. of a noun. (Ugly, heavy, dry, red, good.)
E.g. (a.) She is an honest girl. (Attributive use)
        (b.) The girl is honest. (Predicative use)

(B.) Determiner adjectives, are used only before the noun.
        Kind of Determiner Adjectives:
(1.) Demonstrative Adjectives: This, that, these, those.
(2.) Distributive Adjectives: Each, every, either, neither.
(3.) Quantitative Adjectives: Some, any, no, little.
(4.) Numerical Adjectives: Few, many, all, several, one, first.
(5.) Interrogative Adjectives: Which, what, whose.
(6.) Possessive Adjectives: My, our, your's, his, her, their, it's.
(7.) Relative Adjectives: who, which, what.
(8.) Emphatic Adjectives: Own, such, same, very.
(9.) Proper Adjectives: Indian, Asian, American.
(10.) Exclamatory Adjectives: What, which, how.
(11.) Present/Past Participle Adjectives: A wounded driver, a moving bus, a burnt man. 

(C.) Articles as Determines: A, An, The.

Distinction between Adjectives and Pronouns:
a.) Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns:
E.g. (1.) Please get the that book. (Adjective)
        (2.) That is my book. (Pronoun)

b.) Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns:
E.g. (1.) This is my book.   (Adjective)
        (2.) This book is mine. (Pronoun)
        (3.) It is her vanity box. (Adjective)
        (4.) This vanity box is hers. (Pronoun)

c.) Distributive Adjectives and Distributive Pronouns:
E.g. (1.) Either boy has stolen my book. (Adjective)
        (2.) Neither book will serve my purpose. (Adjective)
        (3.) I do not like either of the sisters. (Pronoun)
        (4.) We bought neither of the bikes. (Pronoun)

d.) Every, is only an adjective and it can't be used as determiner.
But Each, can be used both as adjective and pronoun.   
E.g. (1.) Every boy was present. (Adjective)
        (2.) Each boy was present. ((Adjective)
        (3.) Each of the boys will come. (Pronoun)
        (4.) Everyone of them is wasting money. (Pronoun)   
Rules of Adjectives: 
(1.) Rule I: Generally speaking adjective is used when the quality of a noun and pronoun rather than the action of a verb is expressed.
E.g. (1.) She is skilful dancer. (quality)
        (2.) She dances skilfully. (action)
        (3.) Sonu's act was thoughtful. (quality)
        (4.) Sonu acted thoughtfully. (action)

(2.) Rule II: The verb given are linking verbs. Some verbs are not modified by adverbs. (Be, become, seem, appear, taste, smell, sound, feel, turn, get, grow, keep, look, make , prove, etc.)
E.g. (1.) She appears sad.
        (2.) I feel sick.
        (3.) She has grown wise.
        (4.) She looked calm and quiet.  
        (5.) The mangoes taste sweetly. (Incorrect, use sweet)
       (6.) The mangoes taste sweet. 
       (7.) She talks sweetly. 

(3.) Rule III: There are some adjectives which don't admit of any comparative and superlative degree. Such adjectives denote absolute position. (Perfect, unique, ideal, chief, universal, extreme, complete, entire, excellent, impossible, absolute, etc.). Example-
(1.) I have never seen a more complete book on Science. (Incorrect, drop 'more')
(2.) I have never seen a complete book on Science. (Correct)
(3.) Happiness is the chiefest aim of mankind. (Incorrect, use 'chief')
(4.) Happiness is the chief aim of mankind. (Correct)
(5.) How can divided India become the most supreme power? ( Remove 'the most')
(6.) How can divided India become supreme power? (Correct)

 (4.) Rule IV: The comparative adjective such as 'prior, junior, senior, superior, prefer (verb), preferable, elder, etc. are followed by 'to' instead of 'them'. Example-
(1.) He is senior than me in service. (Incorrect, use 'to' in place of 'than')
(2.) He is senior to me in service. (Correct)
(3.) My sister is elder than me by two years. (Incorrect, Use 'to' in place of 'than')
(4.) My sister is elder to me by two years. (Correct)
(5.) She is comparatively smarter than her husband. (Incorrect, Use 'smart')
(6.) She is comparatively smart than her husband. (Correct)
(7.) Milk is more preferable to milk. (Incorrect, Remove 'more')
(8.) Milk is preferable to milk. (Correct) 
 (5.) Rule V: Note carefully the distinction among the following adjectives. Example-
(1.) Little : It is used for quantity. (Little, less, least).
It means hardly any. (Negative sense)
A little means not much or some. (Affirmative meaning)
The little means not much but all.
(2.) Few : It is used for number. (Few, fewer, fewest)
 It means hardly anyone/anything. (Negative sense)
 A few means not many or some (Affirmative meaning)
 The few means not many but all.  
(3.) Some : It is used for affirmative and while making request.
(4.) Any : It is used for negative and interrogative sentences
(5.) Later : It is opposite of earlier. (Refers to time)
(6.) Latter : It is opposite of former. (Refers to position)   
(7.) Other : It means the second of the two.
(8.) Another : It means additional one. (More) 
(9.) Somewhat : It is used as an adverb.
(10.) Farther : It means more distant. (Far, farther, farthest)
(11.) Further : It means additional.

(6.) Rule VI: When two adjectives qualify the same noun, both the adjectives should be expressed in the same degree. Examples-
(1.) She is most active and energetic social worker in our club. (Use 'most' before energetic).
(2.) She is most active and most energetic social worker in our club. (Correct)

(7.) Rule VII: Ordinal is placed before numerical adjective. Example-
(1.) You must study the two first chapters of the book. (Use, 'the first two')
(2.) You must study the first two chapters of the book. (Correct)
(3.) The two or last three lessons of your book are worth reading. (Use, 'the last two or three')
(4.) The last two or three lessons of your book are worth reading. (Correct)

(8.) Rule VIII: The comparative adjectives ending in '-er' (e.g. cleverer) should be used as 'more clever' while comparing the two qualities of one and the same thing or a person. Example-
(1.) She is cleverer than honest. (Incorrect, Use 'more cleaver')
(2.) She is more cleverer than honest. (Correct)
(3.) She is more clever than her sister. (Incorrect, Use 'cleverer' in place of 'more cleverer')
(4.) She is cleverer than her sister. (Correct, As we comparing between two)

(9.) Rule IX: The expression 'these' and 'those' should not be used with the singular nouns 'kind', 'type', and 'sort'. Example-
(1.) I will not do these kind/sort of acts. (Incorrect, Use, this kind/sort', for 'these kind/sort')
(2.) I will not do this kind/sort of acts. (Correct)
(3.) This type of articles are not allowed into the hall. (Incorrect, use 'is' for 'are')
(4.) This type of articles is not allowed into the hall. (Correct)

(10.) Rule X: Note- Carefully the use of 'others' & 'else; in comparative and superlative degrees. Example-
(1.) The Ganga is more sacred than any river of India. (Incorrect, Use 'other' after 'any')
(2.) The Ganga is more sacred than any other river of India.
(3.) My brother is the smartest player of all others in the team. (Incorrect, Remove 'others')
(4.) My brother is the smartest player of all in the team. (Correct).

(11.) Rule XI: The use of 'all, both, & whole' as adjectives.
(A)Place 'the' after 'all' & 'both' when used as adjectives for the plural nouns. But 'the' is used before 'whole'. For example-
(a.) All the students were present. (Correct)
(b.) Both the boys left soon. (Correct)
(c.) Whole country is suffering from drought. (Incorrect, say 'The whole')
(d.) The whole country is suffering from drought. (Correct) 

(12.) Rule XII: Either, neither, only, both, even, but,  and also should be placed immediately before the words they emphasise (quality, modify). Example-
(1.) Neither she is intelligent nor honest. (Incorrect, Use 'neither' before intelligent)
(2.) She is neither intelligent nor honest. (Correct)
(3.) Not only he likes to take coffee but also tea. (Incorrect, Use 'Not only' before 'coffee')
(4.) He likes to take not only coffee but also tea. (Correct) 

(13.) Rule XIII: 'As' is used in positive degree to denote equality while 'than' is used in the comparative degree. 'As' & 'than' are required to be used when a sentence contains adjectives in positive and comparative forms. Example-
(1.) She is honest, if not more honest than her brother. (Incorrect)
(2.) She is as honest as, if not more honest than her brother. (Correct)
(3.) I am as strong or even stronger than my foe. (Incorrect)
(4.) I am as strong as or even stronger than my foe. (Correct)

(14.) Rule XIV: The order of adjectives qualifying a noun. (SSACNM)
Size---> Shape ---> Age ---> Colour ---> Nationality ---> Material ---> Noun. 
(1.) Twenty years old black American Negro.
(2.) A big round black Indian plastic table.
(3.) A spacious dark cell.
(4.) A large glass room.





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