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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Jharkhand GK Question Answer Class-1

Jharkhand GK Question Answer Class-1

💥General Introduction of Jharkhand GK Q
uestion Answer:-  दोस्तों आज सभी के लिए झारखण्ड का समांन्य परिचय से सम्बंधित कुछ महत्वपूर्ण ऐसे प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर लेकर आये हैंइस Jharkhand GK Question Answer की पोस्ट में आपको ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नों का संग्लन मिलेगा।जो झारखंड की सभी परीक्षाओं और इंटरव्यू में आपके लिए सहायक सिद्ध होंगे। 

Q.1 झारखंड भारत का कौन सा राज्य है ?  - 28वा 

Q.2 झारखंड राज्य की उप राजधानी है ?   - दुमका 

Q.3 झारखंड राज्य का अक्षांशीय विस्तार है ?   21°58'10" से 25°19'15" सेंटीग्रेड

Q.4 झारखंड राज्य का देशांतरीय विस्तार है ?  - 83°19'  से 87°57'

Q.5 उत्तर से दक्षिण दिशा की ओर झारखंड राज्य का विस्तार है ?  380 किलोमीटर

Q.6 पूर्व से पश्चिम दिशा की ओर झारखंड राज्य का विस्तार है ?   - 463 किलोमीटर 

Q.7 क्षेत्रफल की दृष्टि से झारखंड राज्य का भारत में स्थान है ? - 15 वा 

Q.8 झारखंड राज्य का क्षेत्रफल है ? - 79,714 वर्ग किलोमीटर 

Q.9 झारखंड राज्य का कुल क्षेत्रफल भारत के कुल क्षेत्रफल का प्रतिशत क्या है ? -2. 42%

Q.10 झारखंड राज्य में अभी तक कुल कितने व्यक्ति मुख्यमंत्री पद पर आसीन हुए है ? - 06 

Q.11 झारखंड उच्च न्यायालय के वर्तमान मुख्य न्यायाधीश कौन हैं ? - (डॉ) रवि रंजन

Q.12 झारखंड में कितने जिले हैं ? 24 

Q.13 झारखंड राज्य में कुल कितने संसदीय सीट है? - 20

Q.14 लोकसभा में झारखंड की कुल कितनी सीटें प्राप्त हैं ? - 14 

Q.15 झारखंड राज्य में कुल प्रखंडों की संख्या है ? - 264 

Q.16 झारखंड राज्य में राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों की कुल लंबाई कितनी है ? - 3400 किलोमीटर 

Q.17 झारखंड राज्य निर्माण के समय राज्य में कुल जिलों की संख्या कितनी थी ? - 18 

Q.18 झारखंड राज्य के किस प्रमंडल में सर्वाधिक जिले हैं ?   - उत्तरी छोटानागपुर 

Q.19 झारखंड राज्य का सबसे बड़ा संसदीय क्षेत्र कौन सा है ?  - पश्चिमी सिंहभूम 

Q.20 झारखंड राज्य का सबसे छोटा संसदीय क्षेत्र कौन सा  है ? - चतरा 

Q.21 झारखंड राज्य में निवास करने वाली कुल अनुसूचित जनजातियों की संख्या कितनी है ? - 32 

Q.22 झारखंड राज्य का राजकीय पक्षी कौन सा है ?  - कोयल 

Q.23 झारखंड राज्य का राजकीय पशु कौन सा है ?    - हाथी

Q.24 झारखंड राज्य का राजकीय वृक्ष कौन सा है ?   साल 

Q.25 झारखंड का राजकीय फूल कौन सा है ?   - पलास 

Q.26 झारखंड राज्य का उच्च न्यायालय कहां स्थित है ? - रांची 

Q.27 झारखंड राज्य के गठन के बाद कितने जिलों का गठन किया गया है ? - 06 

Q.28 झारखंड राज्य के पुराने लोगो (logo) में कितने 'J' का प्रयोग किया गया था ? -04

Q.29 झारखंड राज्य की कुल जनसंख्या कितनी है ? - 3,29,88,134

Q.30 जनसंख्या की दृष्टि से झारखंड का भारत में स्थान कौन सा है ?  - 14वं

Q.31  झारखंड की जनसंख्या भारत की कुल जनसंख्या का कितना प्रतिशत है ? - 2.72 %(प्रतिशत)

Q.32 झारखंड राज्य की कुल जनसंख्या में महिलाओं का प्रतिशत कितनी है ?  - 48.68% 

Q.33 राज्य की कुल जनसंख्या में अनुसूचित जाति का प्रतिशत लगभग कितनी है ? - 26%

Q.34 झारखंड राज्य का सर्वाधिक जनसंख्या वाला जिला कौन सा है ? रांची 

Q.35 झारखंड राज्य का न्यूनतम जनसंख्या वाला जिला कौन सा है ? - लोहरदगा 

Q.36 राज्य में 2001-11 के दौरान दशकीय जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर कितना अंकित किया गया है ?  - 22.42%

Q.37झारखंड राज्य का जनसंख्या घनत्व है  - 414 

Q.38 झारखंड राज्य में सर्वाधिक जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला जिला कौन सा है ?  - धनबाद

Q.39 झारखंड राज्य में न्यूनतम जनसंख्या घनत्व वाला जिला कौन सा है ?  - सिमडेगा

Q.40 झारखंड राज्य में लिंगानुपात  है  - 949

Q.41 राज्य में सर्वाधिक लिंगानुपात वाला जिला कौन सा है ?  पश्चिमी सिंहभूम

Q.42  झारखंड राज्य में न्यूनतम लिंगानुपात वाला जिला कौन सा है ? -धनबाद

Q.43 झारखंड राज्य में ग्रामीण लिंगानुपात है - 961

Q.44 झारखंड राज्य में शहरी लिंगानुपात है - 910

Q.45 झारखंड राज्य में शिशु लिंगानुपात है  - 948 

Q.46 जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार झारखंड की साक्षरता दर कितनी है ? - 66.40%

Q.47 झारखंड राज्य में सर्वाधिक साक्षरता वाला जिला कौन सा है ? - रांची 

Q.48 झारखंड राज्य में न्यूनतम साक्षरता दर वाला जिला कौन सा है ?  - पाकुड़ 

Q.49 झारखंड राज्य में सर्वाधिक महिला साक्षरता दर वाला जिला कौन सा है ?  - रांची

Q.50 झारखंड राज्य का गठन कब हुआ ?15 नवंबर 2000

Q.51 झारखंड राज्य का आकर कैसा है ? चतुर्भुज

Q.52 झारखंड में कितने सदन हैं ? 1 सदनीय 

Q.53 झारखंड का प्रथम मुख्यमंत्री कौन था ? बाबूलाल मरांडी

Q.54 झारखंड क्षेत्र स्वायत्त परिषद का गठन कब हुआ था ?  - 9 अगस्त 1995

Q.55 झारखंड किस राज्य से कटकर बना हैं ?  - बिहार

Q.56 झारखंड का स्थापना दिवस कब हैं ?15 नवंबर

Q.57 झारखंड राज्य में सर्वाधिक अनुसूचित जनजाति किस जिले में निवास करते हैं ? - रांची 

Q.58 झारखंड राज्य में न्यूनतम अनुसूचित जनजाति किस जिले में निवास करते हैं ?  - कोडरमा 

Q.59 झारखंड राज्य में सर्वाधिक अनुसूचित जाति किस जिला में निवास करते हैं ? - पलामू 

Q.60 झारखंड राज्य में न्यूनतम अनुसूचित जाति किस जिले में निवास करते हैं ?  - लोहरदगा

Q.61 झारखंड राज्य में गांव की कुल संख्या कितनी है ? - 32620

Q.62 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार झारखंड की पुरुष साक्षरता दर क्या है ? - 78.84% 

Q.63 कौन - सा शहर झारखंड की 'सांस्कृतिक राजधानी' के रूप में जाना जाता है ? -देवघर 

Q.64 झारखंड  पहली राजभाषा कौन सा है ? - हिंदी 

Q.65 झारखंड राज्य की 14 लोकसभा सीटों में कितनी सीटें अनुसूचित जनजाति हेतु आरक्षित है ? - 05

Q.66 दिसंबर 2004 ईस्वी से जुलाई 2009 ईस्वी तक झारखंड में सबसे लंबे समय तक पद पर बने रहने वाले राज्यपाल कौन थे ?  -सैयद सिब्ते रजी

Q.67 झारखंड के राज्यपाल कौन है ? - श्रीमति द्रोपति मुर्मू

Q.68  झारखंड के वर्त्तमान (2021) राज्य निर्वाचन आयुक्त कौन हैं ?  - (पूर्व मुख्य सचिव) देवेन्द्र कुमार तिवारी।

Jharkhand GK Question Answer Class-1 झारखण्ड सामान्य ज्ञान हिंदी में – ‘Jharkhand GK Question Answer Class-1’ Post में अगर जानकारी आपको अच्छी लगी हो तो आप कमेन्ट कर के बता सकते है, और भी झारखण्ड से सम्बंधित सारी जानकारी अपडेट मिलने के लिए जुड़े रहना चाहते हैं, तो  आप हमारे Facebook  पेज Simoticlasses को Like और Follow कर लें। धन्यबाद। 


Birsa Movement/ Munda Rebellion


  • Munda Movement (Rebellion) is one of the prominent 19th-century tribal rebellions in the Chotanagpur region near Ranchi between 1874 and 1901. It affected the area of about 400 sq. miles of South Bihar.

  • It was led by Birsa Munda from the year 1894. This revolt is also known as the 'Ulgulan revolt or Munda Rebellion', which means great commotion.

A course of Revolt:

  • The movement was born out of basic problems that affected the tribals in the colonial period.

  • Tribal people in the Chotanagpur area practiced the Khuntkatti system (joint holding by tribal lineages) till the mid 19th century.

  • The well to do revenue farmers, jagirdars, merchants, moneylenders, and dikus (non-tribals) from North India tried to replace the system with the typical Zamindari-tenancy system, which caused indebtedness and beth-gari (forced labor) among the tribal people.

  • Between 1780 to 1840, Mundas revolted 5 (five) times against the undue interference by the British administration, and the attitude of the landlords.

  • It is noteworthy that the movement had a distinct connection with Christianity in its early phase. The Mundas accepted Christianity with the belief that the German missionaries would help them against the exploitation of the zamindars. However, dissatisfaction with the German missionaries made them turn to a Catholic mission. But seeing the colonial ties between the colonial officers and the zamindars, the Munda Sardar turned against all outsides and finally rose in a rebellion ulgulan, led by Birsa Munda.

  • He formed 2 (two) military units- one for military training & armed struggle, the other for propaganda. He combined religion with politics and traveled across villages giving a discourse & building a politico-military organization.

  • He led the revolt against the British government imposed a feudal state system.

  • In the 1890s, Birsa Munda arrested the need for the Munda community to uproot superstition, stop animal sacrifice and avoid alcoholism.

  • In 1894 October, he mobilized a protest march for the remission of forest dues. During this struggle, he managed to bring the tribal community under a single umbrella and asked them to re-establish their own kingdom.

  • In 1899, he declared a rebellion to establish the Munda rule and encouraged the killing of 'jagirdars and Rajas and hakims (rulers) and Christians'. With support from the British, the scale of torture & discrimination only increased.

  • Birsa succeeded in mobilizing nearly 6000 Mundas armed with swords & spears, bows & arrows. There was the active participation of women in this movement.

  • In 1900, The rebellion was ruthlessly suppressed by the British forces. Birsa was arrested and he died in prison the same year by Cholera aged just 25.

  • Eight years after his death, the government enacted Chotanagpur Tenancy (CNT), Act.


Birsa Munda: 

  • Birsa Munda was born in the Munda tribe in 1875. He is often referred to as 'Dharti Abba' or the father of Earth.
  • His struggle against the exploitation and discrimination against tribal led to the passing of the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act, 1908 which restricted the passing of land from the tribal people to non-tribals.


Physical Geography - Tectonic Plates


A tectonic plate (lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregular shape of the solid rock slab. The concept of Tectonic Plates was first introduced in 1967.

  • It is generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.
  • The lithosphere includes the crust and top mantle with its thickness range varying between 5- 100 km in oceanic parts and about 200 km in the continental ranges.
  • A tectonic plate maybe a continental plate or an oceanic plate, depending on which of the two occupies the larger portion of the table.
  • Oceanic plate: Pacific plate
  • Continental plate: Eurasian plate.

The Major & Minor Plates:

The Earth's lithosphere is divided into 7 (seven) major and some minor plates:

A.) Young Fold Mountain ridges, oceanic trenches, and transform faults surround the major plates. These includes
  • The North American plate- with the western Atlantic floor separated from the South American plate along with the Caribbean islands.
  • The South American plate- with the western Atlantic floor separated from the North American plate along with the Caribbean islands.
  • The Antarctic and the surrounding oceanic plate.
  • The Pacific plate.
  • The India-Australia-New Zealand plate.
  • Eurasia and the adjacent oceanic plate.

B.) Some Minor plates include

  • Cocos plate- between Central America & Pacific plate.
  • Nazca plate- between South America & Pacific plate.
  • Juan de Fuca plate- Southeastern (SE) of North American plate.
  • Philippine plate- between the Asiatic & Pacific plate.
  • Caroline plate- between the Philippine & Indian plate (North of New Guinea)
  • Fuji Plate- Northeastern (NE) part of Australia
  • Arabian plate- Saudi Arabian landmass.

C.) Mountain Ridge: The chain of mountains or hills that form a continuous elevated crest for some distance.

D.) Ocean Trenches: The long, narrow depressions on the sea-floor. These are the deepest part of the ocean and some of the deepest natural spots on Earth. They are found in every ocean basin on the planet and the deepest ocean trenches ring the Pacific called the "Ring of Fire".

E.) Transform Fault: It is a type of fault in which 2 (two) tectonic plates slide past one another.

The Indian Plate:

  • The Indian plate includes Peninsular India and the Australian continental portion.
  • In the East, it extends through the Rakim Yoma Mountains (Myanmar) towards the island arc along with the Java Trench.
  • In the West, it follows Kirthar Mountain (Pakistan). It further extends along the Makrana coast (Balochistan) and joins the spreading site from the Red Sea rift southeastward along with the Chagos Archipelago.
  • The boundary between the Indian & the Antarctic plate is also marked by an oceanic ridge (divergent boundary) running roughly West to East direction and merging into the spreading site, a little south of New Zealand.


  • It is the zone of Earth's mantle that lies just beneath the lithosphere and is believed to be much hotter and more fluid than the lithosphere.
  • The asthenosphere extends from about 100 km (62.13 miles) to about 700 km (434.96 miles) below Earth's surface.

Movement of Plates:

  • The tectonic plates are not fixed but constantly move horizontally over the Asthenosphere as rigid units.
  • Sometimes these plates collide, move apart, or slide next to each other which leads to Earthquakes or Volcanic Eruptions.

Rates of Movement of Plates: 

  • The rate of movement of the tectonic plates is varied considerably.
  • The Arctic Ridge has the slowest rate (less than 2.5 cm/ yr).
  • The East Pacific, in the South Pacific, about 3,400 km west of Chile has the fastest rate (more than 15 cm/yr).

Force of Movement of Tectonic Plates: 

  • The mobile rock beneath the rigid plates is believed to be moving circularly.
  • The heated material rises to the surface, spreads & begins to cool, and then sinks back into deeper depths.
  • This slow movement of the hot, softened mantle that lies below these rigid plates is the driving force behind the plate movement.


  • When tectonic plates shift, and one plate is pushed under another.
  • This movement of the ocean floor produces a 'mineral transmutation', which leads to the melting & solidification of magma i.e., the formation of volcanoes.
  • When a 'downgoing' oceanic plate is pushed into a hotter mantle plate, it heats up, volatile elements mix, and this produces the magma.
  • The magma then rises up through the overlying plate and spurts out at the surface.

Boundaries of Plates:

The movement of the tectonic plates creates 3 (three) types of tectonic boundaries:
  • Convergent- plates move into one another.
  • Transform- plates move sideways in relation to each other.

A.) Convergent Boundaries:

  • It is formed when tectonic plates crash into each other, also known as destructive boundaries.
  • These boundaries are often subduction zones, where the heavier plate slips under the lighter plate, creating a deep trench.
  • This subduction changes the dense mantle material into buoyant magma, which rises through the crust to the Earth's surface.
  • Over millions of years, the rising magma has been creating a series of active volcanoes known as a volcanic arc.
  • Convergent plate boundaries also lead to mountain building and the formation of island arcs (Festoons). If both the convergent plates are oceanic, the volcanoes form a curved line of islands, known as an island arc, that is parallel to the trench.

There are 3 (three) ways in which convergence can occur:

  • between an oceanic & continental plate
  • between two oceanic plate
  • between two continental plate
When continental & oceanic plates collide, the thinner & denser oceanic plate is overridden by the thicker and less dense continental plate.
  • Oceanic-Continental convergent: the Washington-Oregon coastline of United States = Here, the Juan de Fuca oceanic plate is subducted beneath the North American continental plate.
  • Oceanic-Oceanic convergent: Marina Trench, the deepest point of Earth. The mighty Pacific plate is subducted beneath the smaller, less-dense Philippine plate.
  • Continental convergent: the Himalayan Mountain Range. India & Asia crashed about 55 million years ago, slowly giving rise to the Himalayas, the highest mountain system on Earth. Here, the Indian & Eurasia plates are currently in a collision.

Subduction Zones:

  • It is the biggest crash scene on Earth. These boundaries mark the collision between two tectonic plates.
  • When 2 (two) tectonic plates meet at a subduction zone, one bends and slides underneath the other, curving down into the mantle, the hotter layer under the crust.

B.) Divergent Boundaries:

  • It is formed by tectonic plates pulling apart from each other, known as constructive boundaries.
  • These are the site of seafloor spreading & rift valleys.
  • At divergent boundaries in the oceans, magma from deep in the Earth's mantle rises toward the surface and pushes apart two or more plates. Mountain & volcanoes rise along the seam. The process renews the ocean floor and widens the giant basins.
  • The best-known example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the American plates are separated from the Eurasian & African plates. The single mid-ocean ridge system connects the world's oceans, making the ridge the longest mountain range in the world ( 10,000 miles).

On Land, giant troughs such as the Great Rift Valley (in Africa) from where plates are tugged apart.
  • If the plates there continue to diverge, millions of years from now eastern Africa will split from the continent to form a new landmass.
  • A mid-ocean ridge would then mark the boundary between the plates.

Seafloor Spreading:

  • It is the process of magma welling up in the rift as the old crust pulls itself in opposite directions.
  • Cold seawater cools the magma, creating a new crust.
  • The upward movement & eventual cooling of this magma has created high ridges on the ocean floor over millions of years.
  • The East-Pacific Rise is a site of major seafloor spreading in the 'Ring of Fire'.

It is located on the divergent boundary of

  • the Pacific plate
  • the Cocos plate (west of Central America)
  • the Nazca plate (west of South America)
  • the North American plate & Antarctic plate.

Rift Valleys:

  • It is a lowland region that forms where Earth's tectonic plates move apart or rift.
  • It is found on land and at the bottom of the ocean, and are created by tectonic activity and not the process of erosion.
  • The Great Rift Valley System, which stretches from the Middle East in the north to Mozambique in the south is a geologically active area. It features volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, and frequent earthquakes. 

C.) Transform Boundaries:

  • It is formed as tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other but parts of these plates get stuck at the places where they touch.
  • These boundaries are conservative because the plate interaction occurs without creating or destroying crust. Hence, they don't produce spectacular features like mountains or oceans, but the halting motion often triggers large earthquakes, such as the 1906 earthquake that devastated San Francisco.
  • In this area of contact, stress is built which causes the rocks to break or slip, suddenly lurching the plates forward and causing earthquakes. These areas of breakage or slippage are called faults. The majority of Earth's faults can be found along transform boundaries in the 'Ring of Fire'.
  • The San Andreas Fault (California) is an example of a transform boundary, where the Pacific plate moves northward past the North American plate. It is one of the most active faults on the 'Ring of Fire'.


  • Most of the volcanic activities are concentrated along or adjacent to plate boundaries, but there are some important exceptions, in which this activity occurs within plates, called the Hotspots.
  • Hotspots exist over the Mantle Plumes. A mantle plume is an area under the crest of Earth, where magma is hotter than surrounding magma. The heat from this extra hot magma causes melting & thinning of the rocky crust, which leads to widespread volcanic activity on Earth's surface above the plume.
  • The hotspots are stationary, unlike the tectonic plates where they are located.
  • There are about 40 to 50 hot spots estimated to be around the world.

Major hot spots include:

  • Iceland hotspot- in North America.
  • Reunion hotspot- in the Indian Ocean.
  • Afar hotspot- in Northeastern Ethiopia.


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Respiration & Energy Transfer (Aerobic Respiration) - NEET


Respiration & Energy Transfer (Aerobic Respiration) 

  • Occurs: in Mitochondria.

  • Aerobic respiration is a biological process in which glucose is complete breakdown into energy in the presence of oxygen (O2).

  • The energy is released by splitting of a glucose molecule with the help of oxygen gas (O2).

  • However, in anaerobic respiration, the breakdown of glucose is incomplete. The end product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid instead of carbon dioxide & water. This process occurs in oxygen debt. Hence, the amount of oxygen required to oxide lactic acid to carbon dioxide & water is not present. 

  • So, at the end of the chemical reaction, energy, water molecules, and carbon dioxide gas are released as the by-products of the reactions.

  • The 2900 kJ of energy is released during the process of breaking the glucose molecule and in turn, this energy is used to produce ATP- Adenosine triphosphate molecules, which are used by the system for various purposes.

  • The aerobic reaction process takes place in all multicellular organisms and plants.

  • Aerobic respiration produces 38 ATPs whereas, anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP molecules.


  • During the respiration process in plants, the oxygen (O2) gas enters the plant cells through the stomata, which is found in the epidermis of the leaves and stem of a plant. 

  • With the help of the photosynthesis process, all green plant synthesize their food and thus releases energy.

Aerobic Respiration:

  • It involves molecular oxygen as the final electron acceptor which is liberated during the oxidation of glucose.

  • The glucose is completely oxidized in this process which is operated through steps like a.) Glycolysis, b.) Production of acetyl CoA (connecting link reaction), c.) Kreb's cycle, d.) Electron transfer chain (ETC), e.) Terminal oxidation.

Conversion of  Pyruvic Acid to Acetyl CoA:

  • It is an oxidative decarboxylation reaction. This process occurs in the cytoplasm in the case of prokaryotes and in mitochondria in the case of eukaryotes. 

  • The glycolytic product i.e. pyruvic acid is converted into acetyl CoA. It is catalyzed by a multienzyme complex- pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH).

  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex needs thiamin (vitamin B1) as a co-enzyme. It can not function in the absence of Vit. B1. Hence, thiamine deficiency causes pyruvic acidosis and lactic acidosis, life-threatening conditions.

  • Acetyl CoA is an important intermediate in lipid metabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis.

  • This enzyme is present in the mitochondria of eukaryotes and cytosol of prokaryotes.

  • This reaction is called the 'connecting link' reaction between Glycolysis & Krebs cycle.


  • It is a series of enzymatic reactions that occurs in all aerobic organisms to generate energy through the oxidization of acetate derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into carbon dioxide (CO2).

  • It involves the oxidative metabolism of acetyl units and serves as the main source of cellular energy.

  • Some intermediates of the TCA cycle are used in synthesizing important biomolecules such as glutamate & aspartate.

Steps involved in Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs cycle):

Step I: Condensation

  • The first step is the condensation step combining the 2-carbon acetyl group (from acetyl CoA) with a 4-carbon oxaloacetate molecule to form a six-carbon molecule of citrate.

  • CoA is bound to a sulfhydryl (-SH) and diffuses away to eventually combine with another acetyl group.

  • This step is irreversible because it is highly exergonic.

  • The rate of this reaction is controlled by negative feedback and the amount of ATP available.

  • If the ATP level increase, the rate of this reaction decreases.

  • If the ATP is short supply, the rate increases.

Step II: Dehydration

  • Citrate loses 1-H2O (one-water molecule) and gains another as citrate is converted into its isomer, isocitrate.

Step III & IV: Oxidative Decarboxylation

  • In step III, isocitrate is oxidized, producing a 5-carbon molecule, alpha-ketoglutarate, together with a molecule of CO2 and 2-electrons, which reduces NAD+ to NADH.

  • This step is also regulated by negative feedback from ATP and NADH and by a positive effect of ADP.

  • Step III product: Alpha-ketoglutarate.

  • Step IV product: Succinyl CoA.

  • The enzymes that catalyze step IV is regulated by feedback inhibition of ATP, succinyl CoA, and NADH.

Step V: Substrate-level phosphorylation

  • A substrate group is substituted for CoA and a high-energy bond is formed.

  • This energy is used in the substrate-level phosphorylation (during the conversion of the succinyl group into succinate) to form either GTP (guanine triphosphate) or ATP.

  • There are two forms of enzymes, called isoenzymes, depending upon the types of animal tissue in which they are found.

  • One form is found in tissues that use large amounts of ATP, such as the heart and skeletal muscle.

  • The second form of the enzyme is found in tissues that have a large number of anabolic pathways, such as the liver. This form produces GTP.

  • GTP is energetically equivalent to ATP; however, its use is more restricted. In particular, protein synthesis primarily uses GTP. 

Step VI: Dehydrogenation

  • It converts succinate into fumarate.

  • 2-H atoms are transferred to FAD, producing FADH2.

  • The energy contained in the electrons of these atoms is insufficient to reduce NAD+ but adequate to reduce FAD.

  • Unlike NADH, this carrier remains attached to the enzymes and transfers the electrons to the electron transport chain directly.

  • This process is made possible by the localization of the enzyme catalyzing this step inside the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.

Step VII: Hydration

  • Water (H2O) is added to fumarate and malate is formed.

  • The last step of the citric acid cycle regenerates oxaloacetate by oxidizing malate.

  • Another molecule of NADH is produced.

Products of Krebs cycle:

  • 2-Carbon atoms come into the citric acid cycle from each acetyl group, representing 4 out of 6-carbons of one glucose-molecule.

  • 2- Carbon dioxide molecules are released at each turn of the cycle; however, these do not necessarily contain the most recently-added carbon atoms.

  • The 2- acetyl carbon atoms will eventually be released on later turns of the cycle; thus, all six- carbon atoms from the original glucose molecule are eventually incorporated carbon dioxide.

  • These carriers will connect with the last portion of aerobic respiration to produce ATP molecules.

  • 1- GTP/ ATP is also made in each cycle.

  • Several of the intermediate compounds in the citric acid cycle can be used in synthesizing non-essential amino acids; like alpha-ketoglutarate, oxaloacetate is used as precursors for the synthesis of fatty acids, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid respectively. Therefore, the cycle is referred to as an 'Amphibolic pathway' i.e. involving catabolism as well as anabolism.


Jharkhand Rajya Startup Niti 2016 (झारखंड राज्य स्टार्टअप नीति 2016)

Jharkhand Rajya Startup Niti 2016 

(झारखंड राज्य स्टार्टअप नीति 2016)

➤झारखंड सरकार ने 6 अक्टूबर 2016 को झारखंड स्टार्ट-अप नीति -2016 की घोषणा की 
झारखंड स्टार्ट-अप नीति  के माध्यम से उद्यमिता को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए और नयी पीढ़ी को रोजगार परक बनाने के इस नीति को लागु किया गया।  

झारखंड स्टार्ट-अप नीति  के माध्यम से दक्ष युवाओं को रोजगार की तलाश में भटकनें के बजाय रोजगार पैदा करने वाला बनाना है।  

इस नीति इस बात पर केंद्रित है की प्रभावी लघु अवधि के उपायों के द्वारा राज्य में अगले 5 वर्षों में  उद्यशीलता और निवेश को प्रोत्साहित करना है। 

इस नीति का दृस्टि पत्र यह है कि सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी के जरिए 2021 तक झारखण्ड को देश का सबसे बड़ा स्टार्ट-अप राज्य बना दिया जाए।  

इस नीति का उद्देश्य और प्रावधान इस प्रकार है :-

2021 ईस्वी तक 1000 सीधे स्टार्ट-अप तथा 15000 वर्चुअली स्टार्ट-अप कार्यक्रम पर काम किया जाएगा।

राज्य में इक्यूवेशन  सेंटर खोलने के लिए सूचना एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग ने ढाई सौ करोड़ रुपये दिए हैं इसके अलावा पीपीपी मोड पर भी पैसे की व्यवस्था की जाएगी। 

राज्य में 10 प्रतिष्ठित शिक्षण संस्थानों को इक्यूवेशन सेंटर खोलने के लिए 50-50 लाख रुपया का अनुदान दिया जाएगा। 

राज्य में 1,00,000 वर्ग फीट तुरंत काम में आने वाली भूमि की व्यवस्था की जाएगी, जिससे स्टार्ट-अप के लिए समाधान खोजा जा सके 

राज्य में पीपीपी मोड पर स्टार्ट-अप को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए कोषो का कोष (FOF) का निर्माण किया

कम-से-कम 100 इनोवेटिव तकनीकी आधारित स्टार्ट-अप के लिए सुविधाएं विकसित की जाएंगी 

झारखंड स्टार्ट-अप नीति को लागू करने के लिए आधारभूत संरचना का निर्माण, कोष एवं वित्तीय स्रोत का निर्माण, मानव संसाधन विकास पर बल दिया जाएगा, अनुकूल पर्यावरण पर निर्माण, लाभ एवं प्रेरणा के लिए प्रावधान किया गया है 

इस नीति को सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी एवं इंटरनेट, हेल्थ केयर तकनीक, नवीनीकरण एवं स्वच्छ ऊर्जा, ग्रामीण पेयजल एवं स्वच्छता, कृषि एवं खाद्य पदार्थ तथा क्राफ़्ट, शिक्षा, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक विनिर्माण क्षेत्रों पर केंद्रित किया गया है 


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Jharkhand Ke Raj Kile Aur Raj Prasad (झारखंड के राज किले /राज प्रसाद)

झारखंड के राज किले /राज प्रसाद

(Jharkhand Ke Raj Kile Aur Raj Prasad)

पलामू किला (लातेहार)

यह किला बेतला नेशनल पार्क से 5 किलोमीटर दूर औरंगा नदी के तट पर अवस्थित है

यहां दो किले हैं, जिन्हें पुराना किला एवं  नये किले  के नाम से जाना जाता है

➤नये  किले का निर्माण चेरो राजा मेदिनी राय ने कराया था

मेदनी राय मुगल शासक औररंगजेब का समकालीन था

नये  किले का नागपुरी दरवाजा अपने आकर्षक शैली के कारण प्रसिद्ध है दरवाजे की ऊंचाई 40 फीट तथा चौड़ाई 15 फीट है

किले के भीतरी भाग में चार दो मंजिली इमारतों के भग्नावेश और तीन गुंबदों से युक्त एक मस्जिद भी है इस  मस्जिद का निर्माण 1661 ईस्वी में  दाऊद खान ने करवाया था 

पुराने किले का निर्माण चेरवंशी  शासक प्रताप राय ने करवाया था 

विश्रामपुर किला (पलामू) 

➤यह किला चेरो राजवंश के संबंधी विश्रामपुर के तड़वन राजा द्वारा बनवाया गया था 

किले के निकट एक मंदिर भी है मंदिर और किले के निर्माण में लगभग 9 वर्षों का समय लगा

रोहिलो का किला (पलामू)

यह किला जलपा के पास अलीनगर में अवस्थित है

इस किले का निर्माण रोहिला  सरदार मुजफ्फर खा ने करवाया था

यह त्रिभुजाकार है 

चैनपुर का किला (पलामू) 

➤यह किला दीवान पूरणमल के वंशधरों  द्वारा बनवाया गया था

मेदनीनगर में कोयल नदी के तट पर उन लोगों द्वारा एक अन्य स्मारक भी बनवाया गया जिसका नाम चैनपुर बंगला है

कुंदा का किला (चतरा)

यह किला चेरों का था, जो चतरा जिले के कुंदा नामक स्थान पर अवस्थित है। अब यह खंडहर हो चुका है

इस किले की मीनारें मुगल शैली में निर्मित हैं 

किले के प्रांगण में एक कुआं है, जहां सुरंग नुमा रास्ता था 

तिलमी का किला (खूंटी)

यह किला खूंटी जिले के कर्रा प्रखंड के तिलमी गांव में अवस्थित है 

इस किले का निर्माण 1737 ईस्वी में अकबर ठाकुर द्वारा करवाया गया पालकोट था  

पालकोट का राजभवन (गुमला)

नागवंशी शासक यदुनाथ शाह ने पालकोट को अपनी राजधानी बनाई थी । यहीं पर उसने इस राज भवन का निर्माण कराया था

यहां उन्होंने अनेक राज भवन एवं मंदिर बनवाए

यहां गुमला जिला मुख्यालय से 25 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर NH-23 (गुमला-सिमडेगा) मार्ग पर है

नागफेनी का राजमहल (गुमला) 

गुमला के सिसई प्रखंड में नागफेनी नामक गांव में राजप्रसाद की अनेक टूटी हुई दीवारें मिली है

पुरातात्विक दृष्टि से इनकी तिथि 1704 ईस्वी आंकी गई है

इन दीवारों पर एक आलेख भी है पत्थर पर एक राजा और उनकी सात रानियों तथा एक कुत्ते का चित्र है

इसे नागों का शहर भी कहा जाता है

रामगढ़ का किला (रामगढ़)

इस किले का निर्माण सबल राय ने करवाया था

इस किले पर मुगल शैली की स्पष्ट झलक दिखाई देती है

बादाम का किला (हजारीबाग)

इसका निर्माण रामगढ़ का राजा हेमंत सिंह ने करवाया था 

1642 ईस्वी में राजा द्वारा यहां एक शिव मंदिर भी बनवाया गया था 

इसके अवशेष यहां आज भी विद्यमान हैं 

केसानगढ़ का किला (पश्चिमी सिंहभूम)

यह किला चाईबासा से दक्षिण-पूर्व केसानगढ़ में अवस्थित था 

वर्तमान में यहां किले का एक टीला है

जगन्नाथ का किला (पश्चिमी सिंहभूम)

➤यह  किला पश्चिमी सिंहभूम में स्थित जगन्नाथपुर में है  

इस किले का निर्माण पर पोड़ाहाट वंश के राजा जगन्नाथ सिंह ने करवाया था 

जैतगढ़ का किला (पश्चिमी सिंहभूम)

इस किले का निर्माण वैतरणी नदी के तट पर जैतगढ़ में पोड़ाहाट राजा अर्जुन सिंह ने करवाया था

पदमा का किला (हजारीबाग) 

पदमा महाराजा का किला हजारीबाग जिले की पदमा नामक स्थान पर NH-33 के किनारे अवस्थित है

अब इस किले को सरकार ने पुलिस प्रशिक्षण केंद्र बना दिया है 

दोईसागड़ (गुमला)

दोईसागड़ (नवरत्नगढ़) गुमला जिले के नगर ग्राम के निकट स्थित है

आज से लगभग पौने 400 वर्ष पूर्व यहां नागवंशी राजाओं की राजधानी थी

इतिहासकारों के अनुसार दोईसागड़ में एक पांच मंजिला महल था

प्रत्येक मंजिला पर नौ-नौ  कमरे थे राँची  गज़ेटियर भी  इसकी पुष्टि करता है, लेकिन दंतकथा है कि यह नौ तल्ला था जिसमें से 9 तल्ले  जमीन में धंस गए हैं 

खजाना घर इस महल का विशेष आकर्षण है 

➤दांतेदार परकोटों से घिरा यह महल कंगूरा शैली में है  

चक्रधरपुर की राजबाड़ी (पश्चिमी सिंहभूम)

इसका निर्माण अर्जुन सिंह के पुत्र नरपति सिंह ने 1910-20 की ईस्वी में करवाया था

यहां का राजमहल ईटों का बना है राजा की पुत्री शंशाक मंजरी ने इसे बेच दिया 

रातू महाराजा का किला (रांची)

नागवंशी राजाओं का यह किला रातू में अवस्थित है इसकी विशालता दर्शनीय है  

झरियागढ़ महल (धनबाद)

झरिया के राजाओं की प्रारंभिक राजधानी झरियागढ़ में थी, यहां इस महल का निर्माण हुआ  बाद में इसकी राजधानी कतरासगढ़ स्थानांतरित हो गई थी यहां पर भी अनेक महलों  के अवशेष हैं


Monday, February 1, 2021

Respiration & Energy Transfer (Anaerobic Respiration) - NEET


Respiration & Energy Transfer (Anaerobic Respiration) 

  • Maintenance of life requires a continuous supply of energy.
  • Respiration fulfills the continuous need for energy.

  • Respiration is a catabolic process wherein complex organic substrate is oxidized to simple components to generate biological energy.

Cellular respiration occurs in two different ways like 1.) anaerobic and 2.) aerobic respiration.

  • It is cellular respiration that does not involve oxygen at all.
  • It is completed through steps like glycolysis and conversion of glycolytic product to any suitable product like lactic acid, ethanol, etc.


  • It involves the breakdown of a glucose molecule into two pyruvic acid molecules.
  • This is a common step in anaerobic as well as aerobic respiration.
  • It is completed in two phases as preparatory phase and the pay-off phase.
  • The overall process of glycolysis is completed in ten steps.

1.) Preparatory phase:

  • The first five steps constitute the preparatory phase through which glucose is phosphorylated twice at the cost of two ATP molecules and a fructose 1,6-biphosphate is formed.

  • This molecule is split to form: 1.) a molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate & 2.) a molecule of dihydroxyacetone phosphate.

  • Both of these molecules are 3-carbon carbohydrates (trioses) and are isomers of each other.

  • Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is isomerized to the second molecule of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

  • Thus, two molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are formed, and here, the preparatory phase of glycolysis ends.

2.) Pay-off phase:

  • Both the molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are converted to two molecules of 1, 3-biphosphoglycerate by oxidation and phosphorylation.

  • Phosphorylation is brought about with the help of inorganic phosphate (Pi) and not ATP.

  • Both molecules of 1, 3-biphosphoglycerate are converted into two molecules of pyruvic acid through series of reactions accompanied by the release of energy.

  • This released energy is used to produce ATP (4 molecules) by substrate-level phosphorylation.

  • 2 ATP/glucose is the net outcome.

  • Energy is also converted by the formation of 2-NADH molecules.

B.) Lactic Acid Fermentation (In Muscle):

  • In muscles, the NADH+H ion produced during glycolysis is reoxidized to NAD+ by donating one proton and two electrons to pyruvic acid which yields lactic acid. 


  • In this reaction pyruvate is converted into a 3-carbon molecule called lactic acid.


  •  No production of carbon dioxide (CO2).


  • The only benefit is serves is that it allows glycolysis to continue with the small gain of ATP generated. 


  • Skeletal muscles usually derive their energy by anaerobic respiration. 


  •  After vigorous exercise lactic acid accumulates, leading to muscle fatigue. 


  • During rest, however, the lactic acid is reconvereted to pyruvic acid and is channeled back into the aerobic respiration pathway.

C.) Alcoholic Fermentation (In Yeast):

  • In yeast, the pyruvate is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde.


  • The acetaldehyde is then reduced by NADH+H ion to ethanol.


  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) is also produced in this process.


  • Accumulation of ethanol by fermentation in a culture of yeast may stop further multiplication and lead to the death of cells.


  • In the presence of oxygen (O2) however, yeast can respire aerobically.


  • Examples of food produced are alcoholic drinks, bread, cakes, etc.







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